chapter 21

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jungkook wakes up to a loud clanging. A wrench falling hard onto the floor or maybe a pan falling out of the cabinet. The noise is coming from the back door and usually he would be scared, but today he's quite sure of who's causing it. What he doesn't expect to see, however, is taehyung sitting on the floor with a vexed expression, angrily throwing around tools like a child throwing a tantrum.

jungkook takes a few quiet steps closer. "Are you okay?"

The vampire has a screwdriver in his hand, ready to hurl at anyone in his way. He immediately throws it to the ground once he realizes it's jungkook's who's in the room with him. "I've been trying to replace this stupid doorknob for an hour, but I can't get the damn thing to unscrew," he huffs.

jungkook bends down and gently takes the screwdriver out from the vampire's clenched fist. He looks at it, then looks at the door, then back at the aggravated taehyung. "It's probably because you were using a phillips head screwdriver when you actually need a flathead one," he says quietly, trying not to anger the other even further.

taehyung's lips pull into a tight line and his eyes close shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Why is there even more than one kind of screw?"

The shorter shrugs and takes a seat on the floor beside taehyung to watch him as he replaces the broken lock with the new one. He stifles a laugh as the vampire angrily mutters to himself about there being too many different types of screws for no reason. He's not sure why, but it's nice to see taehyung doing normal things like this. After the lock is replaced he goes into the kitchen to make a cup of some caffeine free tea hoseok got him a while back when he was still having trouble sleeping at night.

The house is so quiet that the only sound is the ticking of the minute hand on the clock. Nearly two in the morning, it informs him. He suddenly remembers he has to work tomorrow and hopes he is able to go back to sleep as soon as possible so he won't be exhausted. His gaze drops from the clock on the wall down to the kitchen counter, where taehyung's sitting and staring right at him. Ruby eyes looking even brighter than usual in the darkness. jungkook flinches, surprised, and almost spills his scorching tea.

For a quick second he thinks he sees the vampire's eyes darken to that beautiful maroon that makes his knees weak and his face burn, but then he blinks and it's gone. Suddenly he recalls the first night they spent together and an uncomfortable heat spreads throughout his body as he remembers the feeling of the vampire's body against his. taehyung's rough hands digging his hips. His tongue and teeth against his neck.

He quickly looks away before the other can notice, which obviously doesn't seem to work all too well because taehyung'z looking at him curiously. "What?" he asks.

jungkook swallows before replying. "W-What?" He mentally chastises himself for his wavering voice.

"What's wrong? What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing," he says, his gaze fixed on the cup of tea in his hands.

Before he even realizes it, taehyung's standing merely two inches away from him. His glowing eyes staring straight into his own eyes. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and jungkook suddenly finds it difficult to breathe.

"I can hear your heart racing." The vampire's voice is rough and dirty.

jungkook tightens his grip around the mug until his hands are shaking. He's breathing heavily now, too anxious to look up at the taller because if he does he thinks he might pass out. What's happening? Just a moment go he was just watching taehyung fix his door and now they're standing two inches apart in the middle of the dark.

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