chapter 30

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The screams have always been the most annoying part. It's why taehyung has always preferred big cities. With the hustle and bustle of the big city and pedestrian filled streets, they can never allow their victims to run around like helpless little mice, free to scream and panic like how yoongi like them. No. In the city they have to be quick and quiet. Living quarters are far too close to allow any screams to escape. Too many potential witnesses around the area to drag the hunt, or the game as yoongi likes to call it, for too long.

This is why the eldest has always preferred small towns. Small towns in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by acres and acres of forests. Plenty of space to let his prey run around all they want until he's had his fun. taehyung and namjoon have never understood his childish games. Sure, humans taste the best like that. Adrenaline pumping, pulse racing almost impossibly. The hunt is one of the best parts for vampires. But often it would drag out for far too long, usually until namjoon grows bored or until taehyung becomes snappy.

It's usually the latter. namjoon has always been far more patient and tolerant of yoongi's antics than taehyung has. namjoon has never liked to play with his food; he really couldn't be bothered. If it were up to him every time, taehyung knows namjoon would always choose to kill and feed as quickly as possible. No time or energy wasted. But still, namjoon allows yoongi to play his little games as if to keep a hot-tempered and hyperactive child pacified.

This has always gotten on taehyung's nerves. Why should they have to humor and entertain yoongi when he's the eldest? taehyung never actually vocalizes any of these thoughts, of course. Whether he likes it or not, he is stuck with these two and speaking up would just cause unnecessary strife between them. yoongi doesn't bother him that much, not enough for him to actually say something. He doesn't have the time nor energy to deal with conflict when not needed.

"What about that one, there?"

The woman looks to be in her late thirties. Long dark hair, tired eyes, thin lips. She's sitting on a park bench watching a young girl run up and down a dirty slide.

"They make it too easy," namjoon says.

taehyung knows exactly what he means. Humans are careless. A hunt is not really a hunt when your prey practically offers itself on a plate with an apple it's in mouth. How foolish of a mother to bring her beloved child out to play at this time of the day, completely surrounded by darkness except for the street lamps.

taehyung watches the little girl run up to her mother, her pigtails bouncing as she hops on her tiny feet. "She has a kid."

Sparing someone's life simply because they're parent is not something taehyung always does. Even if he has killed countless lives, he's not completely heartless as to kill a mother right in front of her child. The least he can do is wait for them to go home and do it privately in her room.

yoongi rolls his eyes and namjoon sighs. "Okay, fine. Let's just hurry and find one. I'm tired and hungry."

"We're going to a town, next time. I'm sick of these cities. They're so boring, you guys never let me do anything fun," yoongi grumbles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his black hoodie.

"Yeah, cause remember the last time you did "something fun," you almost got yourself killed ," namjoon says. "Where do you think we should go next, taehyung?"

taehyung would much rather move onto the next city, but he knows he'll never hear the end of yoongi's fussing if they do. Plus, he knows that, eventually, namjoon will give into the eldest vampire's incessant grouching and let him call the shots. So there's really no use in even trying. "I don't care," he mutters, shrugging.

He's never known why yoongi think these large cities are so boring. It's mostly true that they never allow him to do anything fun. That is because the eldest vampire's idea of fun is tormenting some helpless human for hours on end, watching them run around in endless little circles until their hearts nearly stop from panic and fright. It is rather entertaining at first, taehyung must admit. But after ten minutes of non stop high pitched shrieking, all he has is a throbbing migraine.

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