chapter 10

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it's bright. too bright. when he opens his eyes, all jeongguk can see is white. he squints and shields his arms from the light until he acclimates to the brightness. for a second he thinks he's in heaven, then he realizes he's just in his room and the curtains are wide open.

"finally awake?"

the pin in his neck is close to unbearable when he quickly jolts up at the voice. his hand immediately comes up to touch the sore spot and suddenly images from last night flush in his mind. taehyung's staring at him with an unreadable expression. he feels restless, feels like he's being scrutinized and he doesn't know what to do with himself or where to look so he keeps his head low.

they sit in silence for a while. jeongguk looks down at his clothes and realizes he's no longer wearing his clothes from yesterday, which means taehyung changed him. his face warms at the thought of the taller undressing him even though he's already seen him naked.

"w-why.." he starts to ask. he looks up at taehyung as if waiting for permission to continue. that taller leans back in his chair and waits for him to go on. jungkook swallows before saying, "why haven't you killed me?"

it's a stupid question, he knows. he's not even sure why he asked, but it's the only question he's had ever since the first night. he should be grateful he's not dead in a ditch somewhere. he knows he should be, but still, something inside can't help but wonder why? why is taehyung keeping him alive when he's killed so many others?

the vampire looks almost amused for the quickest moment and then just like that, his face his emotionless again. "why? do you want me to kill you?"

that teasing tone from the first night they met at the shop is back again. jeongguk's not sure what to say, so he simply shakes his head.

"I don't want to kill you yet."

yet, jeongguk thinks. he sounds sincere now. he sounds like he genuinely doesn't want to kill him and jeongguk's still not sure why.

"then what are you going to do to me?" he says under his breath, barely audible, but the taller catches it and gets up from his chair to walk towards him.

the shorter attempts to create some space between them when taehyung takes a seat on the edge of the bed. taehyung stops him from moving by placing a hand on the mattress next to him and leans in to get a good look at him. jeongguk cowers back against the headboard in reflex. this is the first time he's ever seen taehyung during the day.

"wondering why I'm not burning up in the light?" the taller chuckles. he doesn't actually give jeongguk time to answer. "that's just a stupid myth human's conjured up. we don't burn, it's just irritating and makes us weak."

he's never gotten such a good look of the taller up close before. taehyung is intimidatingly attractive, he thinks, with his strong brows and intense red eyes. his new jet black locks contrast beautifully against his pale skin. when he looks at the taller's lips all he can think about it last night and how they felt against his own. he feels a fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach and he fists his sheets against his chest.

"remember what I said that night?" the taller asks. jeongguk shakes his head.

"I said I wanted to take you and lock you up somewhere so you can be mine forever."

panic slowly starts to plague jeongguk's mind at the taller's words. locked up? forever? "w-what do you mean? I can't- you can't-" tears starting to prick at his eyes as he tries to say something, anything to try to make sense of it all. "I-I don't want to-"

"what about your little friends, hoseok and jimin?"

jeongguk freezes at the mention of his friends. "what-"

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