ii. this can't be happening.

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Victoria was in a daze as she made her way down the steps

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Victoria was in a daze as she made her way down the steps. Her head was filled so many thoughts she felt sick. The Gryffindor table was clapping and both prefects welcomed her to Gryffindor.

She met her brother's gaze, who seemed as confused as she was. What happened? He turned away, a look of shame on his face, and Victoria wanted to cry.

No, she wasn't going to cry. So she turned back to the sorting hat, watching as the next few students went up, holding back hot tears.

"Weasley, Fred!"

One of the twins that Victoria kept seeing stepped onto the stairs and plopped himself down on the stool. After a few moments of silence, the hat yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Victoria clapped along with the rest of her house, wait, not her house! She had been sorted in the wrong house! She knew she had to speak to Dumbledore. He would sort this out right? Surely her would understand. He had too. Shortly, George, the other twin, shortly joined his brother next, both of them sitting across from Victoria. And she felt like she was going to vomit.

The rest of the first years were sorted and Dumbledore stood up, welcoming all to Hogwarts. He began his speech, telling everyone how glad he was to have them back and how this was going to be another great year.

Victoria couldn't focus on a thing he said, she was already getting some weird looks from the people at her table, and her brother's friends were whispering while looking in her direction.

She wanted to crawl under the table and die, literally. This couldn't be happening to her. Why her?

Dumbledore finished his speech and waved his hands in the air, causing food to appear in front of everyone. Victoria was shocked, her mouth left wide open. There was so much food there and it's looked really good. Unfortunately, she felt super sick.

The Feast began, and Victoria barely ate anything. She bit into a chicken leg, which tasted so good, but by the time the feast was over, it was still edible.

The Great Hall was still filled with people talking and laughter. The Perfect got up and began to talk to Victoria's table. "Alright everyone, this way."

Victoria got up, following the crowd. She kept an eye out for her brother. The Perfect led them out of the hall and towards a flight of stairs.

Victoria was still at the bottom when saw Avalon. She called out to him, causing him to turn around. She separated from her group and ran towards him.

"Avalon!" Victoria started to speak but stopped when she saw his face. He looked at her with such disgust she felt that she had been punched. "I..."

But Avalon shook his head, looking ashamed. One of his friends called him and he waved towards him. "Victoria... just don't talk to me right now." He then turned and walked away, leaving Victoria alone.

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