cxxxvi. gryffindor keeper

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"I don't want to try a Skiving Snackbox, George," Tori mumbled, writing the next few words for her joke of a Defense Against the Dark Arts essay

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"I don't want to try a Skiving Snackbox, George," Tori mumbled, writing the next few words for her joke of a Defense Against the Dark Arts essay.

The twins had gotten a few testers, and by testers, they got some first years to try out their product in the common room. Hermione was not at all happy about that, threatening to write to Molly.

Lee was seated across from Tori, ripping the ends of his parchment up out of pure boredom and flicking them at Tori.

"I swear on Godric's grave, Lee if you throw something at me one more time..."

"This is rubbish! This stupid essay! Does this woman think she can come right in and not allow us to use magic? This is a magic school for Merlin's sake!" Lee said loudly, surprising others around him.

Tori nodded, hunched over her own parchment. "I mean all those things she's saying? How does she think Cedric died?" Tori's hands went into such a tight fist her knuckles began to turn white.

Lee nodded, mocking Umbridge's high pitched voice. "'Ministry-approved courses.' How is that going to help us with anything? I mean, you want to be an Auror. Does that require a lot of defensive and offensive spells?"

Tori nodded, putting her quill down. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Fred and George giving a few more treats to some first years, but she didn't have time to think about that.

"I mean, it's our seventh year. Our last year at Hogwarts. We should be enjoying it and learning hard magic. Not fighting with a teacher over a death or learning like we're some franky first years." Tori sighed, leaning her head into her hand.

✧ ✦ ✧

"I think I tore a muscle," Katie grumbled, rubbing her arm. It was now Friday evening, which meant they had Quidditch tryouts. The team was standing around with their heads together trying to figure out who'd the new Gryffindor Keeper would be.

"Why would you throw underhand?" Tori asked her, shivering with the cold breeze that blew throughout the field. "I saw Ireland's been trying it and I wanted to give it a go."

"They're professional, Katie."

"I just wanted to try it!"

"And look where it got you!"

"Enough you two. We need to focus." Angelina sent them both a glare. "I want to decide this now. It's down to three, Weasley, Hooper, and Frobisher."

"Frobisher's already said she's putting charms first." Fred reminded, shifting on his feet to keep himself warm.

"Hooper's a big whiner." Katie agreed. "We don't need another Morrison," Tori said.

"I think Ron's the best choice we've got." George nodded, glancing over at his brother. Angelina seemed hesitant.

"What if I tell you that I'll take Ron out every so often for extra practice?" Tori asked. "It would be good for everyone, he gets more practice on the hoop, I get more arm strength, the team wins."

Angelina thought about it for a moment before agreeing. Everything went rather quickly after that, Angelina announced Ron's achievement, and then they were celebrating in the common room.

"Harry! I made it! I'm a keeper!" Ron was eagerly telling Harry the moment the boy entered.

Tori was seated with Lee, who was chugging butterbeer bottles down by the second. "Don't you dare vomit on me," Tori warned him the second he looked dizzy.

"Don't you dare vomit on me." Lee mimicked.

"Stop it."

"Stop it."



"Wow, Tori. You're the most attractive person in this room."

", Tori. You're the most attractive person in this room."

"Fred!" Tori called over her shoulder. "Lee's hitting on me again!"

"No, I wasn't! That's a lie!" Lee shouted back in reply, glaring at Tori, who was beside herself with laughter.

"Ron over here!" Katie called from the other side of the room. "Let's see if Wood's old robes fit you... maybe then we can take his name off the back."

"That's just cold. You want me to die?" Lee demanded, trying to figure out if he could juggle his empty butterbeer. "Merlin's beard, you're so dramatic, Lee."

"That's what makes me interesting, isn't it, dear Tori?" Lee threw his butterbeer bottle in the air and Tori whipped out her wand to stop it from falling back into his head. "It's also what makes it very stupid."

The twins decided to join in on Lee's stupidity, and all three of them were juggling butterbeer bottles. Tori saw Harry headed up towards his dorm.

"Hey, Harry, wait up!" Tori called, getting away from the table and towards the boy who was headed up to the boy's stairs.

"How was detention?" Tori asked him, leaning against the railing. Harry only shrugged. "As good as any detention can be... how were tryouts?"

"Fine, hey what's wrong with your hand?" Tori asked. Harry had itched his nose with it and quickly shifted it away, "Oh nothing,"

Tori grabbed his arm, "I'm friends with the twins, I'm not stu—" She immediately went silent seeing Harry's hand.

It was extremely red and several lines were dried with blood. Each line said "I must not tell lies." repeated over and over. Tori felt sick just looking at it.

"Who did this to you?" Tori whispered, looking at it in pure horror. Harry didn't answer. He didn't even look at her. He tried to rip his hand away but Tori had a strong grip.

"Who did this to you?" Her voice hardened and Harry could see the anger in her eyes. He seemed wise enough not to blow it off, probably knowing Tori would have his head.


"I'm going to kill her," Tori said. The scary thing about it was Tori meant it. She felt this feeling of anger take over her and she couldn't stop it. Harry must have sensed it too because he grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving.

"Tori, don't. It's not—"

"Don't you dare say it's not that big of a deal. That toad is cutting into your hand Harry!"

"I can't let her have the satisfaction knowing she got to me, alright?"

"Satisfaction? Harry! He's making you dig into your skin!"

"Tori." He pleaded. "Please."

i hate umbridge

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i hate umbridge.

like there and people on tik tok calling her a queen?????

queen of toads?????


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