lxx. the dementor

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"Study hard this year!" Molly said as she straightened up, her eyes oddly bright

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"Study hard this year!" Molly said as she straightened up, her eyes oddly bright. She smiled at the twins and Tori, who nodded. She then opened her enormous handbag. "I've made you all sandwiches... Here you are, Ron... no, they're not corned beef... Fred? Where's Fred? Here you are, dear..."

She handed Tori a ham and cheese sandwich, which Tori shoved into her bag. She waved goodbye, running into a compartment on the train.

She was quickly pulled into a hug by Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell. The four of them quickly talked about their summer.

The train started to move, causing most people to stick their head out a window and wave. Tori noticed her family stand there, looking polished as usual. But something was new.

"Nana?" Tori whispered, confused. Her mother's mother was here? Why? Her Nana caught her gaze. Tori was expecting an odd look or even a frown, but that wasn't the case. Her Nana smiled a familiar warm smile and waved.

The train rolled out of the station and she faded. Tori sat down, thoughts running through her head. It didn't make sense.

"I'm so sorry about you having to leave." Angelina sighed, pulling Tori back into reality. Tori shook herself a few times, replaying what Angelina had just said.

"Oh, no. It's not your fault, Angie. I hope your Aunt was okay."

"She was fine, had a bit of an accident with another witch. She had to be checked into St. Mungo's. She's all good now."

"I'm glad to hear that."

The group began to talk like they always did. It was nice to be back at school again, Tori had to admit. She was still nervous about her O.W.L.S. Katie was relieved that she still had another year until she had to take it. Alicia complimented Tori's new necklace, which Tori gave Fred to chance to explain what it meant.

"Very smart." Tori chuckled. Lee Jordan opened his mouth to say something when the train suddenly stopped. The group all looked at each other, visibly confused. The light went out leaving them in the darkness. Tori hadn't realized how dark it had gotten outside.

"Ow! That's my foot!" Alicia hissed, pushing someone off her. Tori stood up, patting the air around her. She tripped, falling onto someone. "Uh, who's this?"


"Oh, Okay." She was partly glad it was so dark so he couldn't see her face turn red. She got up again, this time finding the door. "I'll see what's going on." She yanked on the handle, which was so cold, it hurt to touch.

"Bloody hell." She heard Katie mutter. Ice began to sprawl across the window, filling the train with even more of a chill. Tori stepped outside, leaving the door cracked open. The hallway was darker than the Silvers Manor and it was freezing. It felt like Florean had just locked the train into his ice cream freezer. Tori, to her surprise, seemed to be the only person willing to fully get out of the compartment.

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