xix. the twin's birthday

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"Do you think we should jump on them?" Lee whispered to Tori

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"Do you think we should jump on them?" Lee whispered to Tori. The two sat on Lee's bed after wrapping Lee's gifts to both the twins.

Tori, surprisingly, was up early. She had gotten up around six in the morning and found Lee standing by the girl's dormitory door.

"Took you long enough. I was afraid I was going to have to ask Alicia to get you. Can you help me with something for the twins?"

Tori had agreed, helping him wrap his gifts and it caused the two of them to talk more. Tori didn't realize how much they had in common, and she actually enjoyed hanging out with Lee.

"Nah," She replied, "Just throw something at them in the next five minutes." She ignored her stomach as it rumbled like a creature from the Forbidden Forest. "What? I'm hungry." She muttered, causing Lee to laugh.

He glanced at the clock in the corner of the dorm which displayed that it was almost eight o'clock. "Alright, let's get them up," Lee smirked. He stood up on his bed, balancing back and forth. He began to count down on his fingers before leaping off his bed and onto George's.

"Get up! I'm not letting you sleep any longer!" He shouted, jumping up and down. Tori giggled, running to Fred's bed. She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him awakes like he had done to her many times over the Christmas holiday. "Get up!"

The Weasley twins groaned simultaneously, exhaustion written over their faces. Fred put his pillow over his face and Tori decided to go for a nicer approach. "Fred," She called in a sing-songy voice. "Come on, mate. It's your birthday!"

"Tired!" Fred replied, burying his face further into his pillow. "Come on, don't you want to see what I got you?" She asked him, a small smile on her face. She had looked long and hard and even had to pull a few strings to get their gifts. (By pull a few strings, she meant begged Charlie to buy them, with her money, from Hogsmeade.)

Fred eventually got out of bed, rubbing his eyes repeatedly as if that was going to wake him up. "Happy Birthday!" Tori squealed, hugging her friend quickly.

"Thank you, Tori." Fred chuckled, hugging her back. "Merlin's beard. You're twelve." She muttered, placing her hand on her forehead with a mocked surprise face.

"Right. And you turn twelve when? June twenty second?" Fred began to pull the sheet up to his bed in order to make it. Lee, unfortunately, was still trying to get George up. "Come on, mate." He called, poking George, who slapped him in the face with his pillow.

"June Twenty Third," Tori replied, handing him one of the pillows on the floor. "Your room is filthy. No wonder the other people left." Tori glanced at the other beds filled with books, clothes, and even some food.

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