cxlix. end of holidays

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Kreacher, it transpired, had been lurking in the attic

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Kreacher, it transpired, had been lurking in the attic. Sirius said he had found him up there, covered in dust, no doubt looking for more relics of the Black family to hide in his cupboard. Though Sirius seemed satisfied with this story, it made Tori uneasy. Kreacher seemed to be in a better mood on his reappearance, his bitter muttering had subsided somewhat and he submitted to orders more docilely than usual.

Tori did not mention her vague suspicions to anyone, the cheerfulness was evaporating fast now that Christmas was over. As the date of their departure back to Hogwarts drew nearer, Tori began to feel more anxious about going back to Hogwarts. Knowing that all that lied there for her was Umbridge was very unsettling.

Then, on the very last day of the holidays, something good began.

Tori was seated upstairs with the twins, who were putting their final touches on their newest invention. Tori was skimming through the pages of her book Lupin had gotten her, mumbling about spells to herself when Bill appeared at the doorway. He looked quite happy and beckoned for her to follow him.

Confused, Tori did. He led her down the hallway away from the twin's room. "Good news. Fleur has gotten you a new vault."

"Really?" Tori gasped. Bill nodded eagerly. "It took a long time trying to push it upwards to the Goblins but we did it. It's your vault and it's under your name. No one has access to it but you. I can't give you keys yet because the Goblins are starting to move your money tonight."

"Thank you!" Tori grinned, giving Bill a big hug. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest with that news. Fortunately, that wasn't the only good news. About thirty minutes later Molly called everyone down.

She stood by the door with  Mr. Weasley walking proudly in their midst dressed in a pair of striped pajamas covered by a mackintosh. The Weasley children rushed down the stairs to hug their father. Tori and Hermione chuckled at each other.

"Come on, into the kitchen." Molly ushered them all in quickly. "Cured!" Arthur announced brightly to the kitchen at large. "Completely cured!"

Everyone froze, gazing at the scene in front of them, which was also suspended in mid-action, both Sirius and Snape looking towards the door with their wands pointing into each other's faces and Harry immobile between them, a hand stretched out to each, trying to force them apart.

"Merlin's beard," said Arthur, the smile sliding off his face, "What's going on here?"

Both Sirius and Snape lowered their wands. Harry looked from one to the other. Each wore an expression of utmost contempt, yet the unexpected entrance of so many witnesses seemed to have brought them to their senses. Snape pocketed his wand, turned on his heel, and swept-back across the kitchen, passing the Weasleys without comment. At the door, he looked back.

"Six o'clock, Monday evening, Potter."

And he was gone. Sirius glared after him, his wand at his side. "What's been going on?" asked Arthur again.

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