xvii. gryffindor's dance party

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The next few weeks that passed were great for Tori

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The next few weeks that passed were great for Tori. She was with her friends, she was doing great in her classes, despite the occasional pranks the twins caused that ended up getting the three of them in trouble. Her and the twins had explored more passageways through the castle too.

Tori and Angelina had even snuck out a few times during the day to see some quidditch practices. They both shared the hope of one day being on the team and even promised to try out the next year together.

Now, it was an eventful Friday night in the Gryffindor common room. Students lounged about, talking and laughing to each other. Some of the fifth year girls sat around braiding each other's hair and talking about who knows what. A group of boys sat at one of the tables with gallons in the center as they played a game of Exploding Snaps.

Tori watched from one of the red couches she sat on with Angelina. She was recapping the Ravenclaw's practice they saw earlier to George.

"They were practicing the Parkin's Pincer! The Parkin's Pincer!" Angelina shook her head, aghast. "How did they do?" George asked as he was flipping through the channels of the radio.

"Hey! Stop that there! That's my favorite song!" A voice shouted towards George. He nodded and turned it up for them before turning back to the conversation.

"They can't seem to get it right." Tori shrugged. She ran her fingers through her hair, feeling the heat of the fire on her face as she continued listening. "They're getting there though," Angelina added, watching the fire dance in the pit.

There was a small silence among the friends as they sat there comfortably, tapping their foot along to the music. Some people got up and began to dance to it. Tori recognized the song as "Do the Hippogriff." from The Weird Sisters. Dove and Tori were pretty big fans of the band, usually listening to their music when their parents weren't home so it wouldn't bug them.

"Come on! Dance party!" Someone shouted. George grinned, turning the radio up louder. More people began to get up and dance, laughing at each other. Fred wandered through one of the groups with a smile. "What's going on?" He asked Tori, who only shrugged.

"Dance party." She replied, getting pulled up Angelina. "Come on! Everyone dance!" A sixth-year girl came over to them with a huge grin on her face. "Well?" Fred held his hand out to her. "You heard her. Let's dance."

Tori began jumping to the beat with her friends as the music filled the common room. By now, everyone was up out of their seats dancing to the tune. The room was filled with excitement and terrible, terrible singing as the students enjoyed themselves.

"Can you dance like a hippogriff?" Tori mouthed the words along as Fred spun her around. She laughed, then spun him.

"Flyin' off from a cliff!"

Fred and Tori joined George and Angelina as the four of them danced together. Alicia and Lee ended up with them too and the common room felt alive.

Tori loved each and every moment of it. The music was blasting and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She watched as even the Prefects were dancing, instead of telling them to shut it off.

"Swooping down, to the ground!" The twins stood on the couch, doing an air guitar riff. "Ma ma ma, ma ma ma, ma ma ma!" They chanted, swinging their arms around and around.

They jumped off the couch in a rockstar pose before hitting the ground. "Whoo!" Tori cheered, dancing with another first-year girl, who must have been a muggle-born since she had no idea who the band was.

"It's the Weird Sisters!" Alicia shouted, grabbing the girl's hands. Tori didn't know what was going on in the other houses on this Friday night, but she was positive they weren't having this much fun.

"Wheel around, and around, and around, and around, ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma maaaaaaaaaaah!" Tori and Angelina pumped their fists in the air, spinning around in a circle before the song began to end.

The entire room came together for the last lyric, everyone singing it at the top of their lungs. "CAN YOU DANCE LIKE A HIPPOGRIFF? YEAH YEAH YEAH!"

Several shouts and whoops of approval filled the space as everyone stood around, out of breath with the biggest smiles on their faces.

Then a song from The Hobgoblins came on, and it started all over again.

✧    ✦    ✧

By the time Celestina Warbeck's  "You Stole My Cauldron but You Can't Have My Heart." came on, Tori was exhausted.

She was once again seated on the couch, surrounded by her friends, each of them had smiles on their faces. They watched as a few people slow danced to the tune, laughing.

Tori was seated next to Fred and a half-asleep George. "You know. That was really fun. It was nice to finally... relax and not have to worry about homework." Fred glanced for the people around him. Tori rolled her eyes, scoffing, "Like you would do most of your homework anyway."

"You may be surprised to learn our marks aren't terrible." Fred chuckled, looking over at Tori. "I'm not surprised." She replied. "You two are incredibly smart."

"Shush. Someone might hear you." Tori laughed. "Good. Maybe some sense would come your way. Hey George. Don't drool on me." She gently pushed the boy off of her to prop him up.

George shook himself awake before Fred got up, carefully grabbing his brother. "Come on, mate. Let's get you to bed. Say goodnight to Tori."

"Night Tori."

"Good night George. You to Fred."


Tori watched them leave and turned back to Angelina and Alicia, both of them smirking at each other. "What?" Tori asked, confused. "What?"

"You got Fred and Pretty Boy Diggory both after you." Alicia shook her head amused. "I beg your pardon?"

"You'll understand when you're older," Angelina replied, shaking her head. "Come on, I'm exhausted."

this was basically a filler chapter, but i think it's pretty necessary

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this was basically a filler chapter, but i think it's pretty necessary.

you CANNOT convince me there were no dance parties in the common rooms.

and if there weren't just wait until i get there.... speaking of that, owl mail must really suck cause my letter is STILL late.

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! it's important to remember that even though they're wizards, they still hung out and relaxed.

also, the research i did for this chapter is insane lol

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