lvi. mcgonagall's "punishment"

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To tell the truth, Tori was as surprised as Avalon was

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To tell the truth, Tori was as surprised as Avalon was.

He doubled over, clutching his nose as one of the Slytherin chaser pushed her. Katie and Angelina came to the rescue, grabbing Tori and pushing him right back. This erupted into a huge screaming match with Wood and Flint as Fred and George started getting ready to fight. The chaser was still screaming at Tori, who was just watching her brother dramatically bend over and whine to Malfoy about how his nose was bleeding and probably broken.

She didn't even punch him that hard.

"Enough!" Professor McGonagall rushed over to the crowd, separating the fight. "Enough! All of you! Mr. Malfoy, please escort Mr. Silvers to the Hospital Wing, where he should see Madam Pomfry about his nose. Miss Silvers, come with me. Now."

Tori stepped away from her friends, saying nothing as she followed Professor McGonagall out of the field. Her mind was racing. She had really done it time.

She passed Alicia and Lee on her way out of the pitch. Lee looked like he wanted to give her a high five, but saw McGonagall's face and decided against it.

Professor McGonagall lead Tori back up the hill and into the huge castle, where students sat around and were all relaxing.

Tori followed the Professor into her classroom where she took a seat in her chair. It was obvious McGonagall was a bit flustered. She pulled out a handkerchief, wiping her brow

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Miss Silvers?"




"... We do not take fighting lightly here at Hogwarts, you should know that. You should also know what there are many people who would love the opportunity to try out for your spot on the Quidditch team."

Tori stared at her shoes. She knew it. She blew it.

Professor McGonagall sighed. "Though, Miss Silvers, as not only your Professor but the head of your house, I do want a victory for Gryffindor this year... and whenever you'd like to admit it or not I did hear some rather startling things... so you will have a weeks detention with me in here starting tomorrow night."

Tori perked up, surprise written all over her face. "So I'm not off the team?" McGonagall shook her head, "Take this as a warning, Miss Silvers. I trust—" She was caught off my the doors opening to reveal a rather angry Snape.

"Punching a student in the face? This is highly problematic, Minerva!" Tori tired not to look surprised. She had never heard a teacher call another teacher by their first name. Yet again, it would be weird for them to call each other "professor".

"I have already taken care of it, Severus, but thank you for your concern."

"Giving your students a slap on the wrist is pathetic. Especially seeing Miss Silver's troubled record, she should be removed from the Quidditch team immediately!"

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