ll. gilderoy lockhart

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"Finally! I was wondering where you three went!" Molly pushed Tori and the twins to the front of the crowd, patting her hair several times while she did so

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"Finally! I was wondering where you three went!" Molly pushed Tori and the twins to the front of the crowd, patting her hair several times while she did so.

The boys had many bags from the joke shop, they had gotten loads of fireworks for this year already.

Lee has opted out for seeing Lockhart, instead, he went to go meet Angelina and Alicia for ice cream. Tori wished she could go do that instead.

Gilderoy Lockhart was seated at a rather large table with pictures of himself surrounding him. He was flashing his sparkling white teeth to the crowd, making all the women swoon.

"Loads of bull," Fred muttered annoyed. Tori stifled at laugh when Lockhart then cried out, "It can't be, Harry Potter!"

The crowd stepped aside, Tori saw Harry choke back a sigh. He stepped forward, Lockhart held him firmly around the shoulder. "Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I are worth the front page!"

Harry weakly smiled, looking very uncomfortable in this situation. Lockhart didn't notice at all, instead, he proceeded to smile grabbing a copy of his own book "Magical Me."

"Ladies and gentlemen," He called loudly, waving his hand in the air for quiet. "What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I've been sitting on for some time!

"When young Harry here stepped into the Flourish and Blotts shop this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me,... which, incidentally is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list, he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving... with my entire collected works, free of charge. But not only that, he and all his classmates with now start Hogwarts with me! As of September, I will start my new job teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Tori's eyes widen, Lockhart was going to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? Seriously? According to his books, he had the qualifications but what he that prepared for it?

Tori thought the class would be more fun with a better teacher. She didn't even remember her first two teachers, and Professor Quirrell was not only weird but also working with You-Know-Who...

The crowd around them clapped loudly. Molly took her children's as well as Tori's money to go purchase their book and to get them signed.

"Go wait by the front of the store dear," Molly told her. Tori followed the twins to the front, where more copies of Lockhart's book were.

She watched Fred open the book, skimming the pages. "I don't know why we have to buy all his books..." He muttered, glancing up at a new person who had just joined the group.

"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter! Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

A rather blonde boy came over, smirking. He looked Harry up and down, stopping him from leaving. Tori recognized this boy. It was Draco Malfoy.

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