ciii. sisterly advice

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Tori turned around to the face the fourteen-year-old boy in shock

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Tori turned around to the face the fourteen-year-old boy in shock. It seemed everyone was feeling the same, especially Harry. He stared up at the goblet, confusion was written all over his face.

There was no applause. A buzzing, as though of angry bees, was starting to fill the Hall; some students were standing up to get a better look at Harry as he sat, frozen, in his seat.

He turned to Ron and Hermione whispering to them, but they just stared at him blankly.

"That's not fair! He's not of age!" Some cried out. Dumbledore ignored them. "Harry Potter — please come up here."

Hermione pushed him upwards and Harry went walking like a zombie. "How did he do it?" Fred whispered, his mouth wide open. Harry disappeared into the chamber.

Dumbledore then dismissed all of them, leaving some in the hall to try and protest. "He's too young!"

Tori didn't know how to feel. She was confused about how Harry had gotten to put his name in, especially if the Aging Potion didn't work. Despite some of the other house's foul moods, Gryffindor seemed to be happy to have a champion of their own.

The common room was filled with food Fred and George had gotten from the kitchens. Tori was sipping on a butterbeer, trying to somehow figure out how Harry could have done it.

There was a loud cheer and Tori realized Harry had just walked in. She pushed through the crowd, getting to him.

"You should've told us you'd entered!" Fred bellowed; he looked half annoyed, half deeply impressed.

"How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!" George roared.

"I didn't," Harry tried to speak. "I don't know how  —  "

But Angelina had now swooped down upon him; "Oh if it couldn't be me, at least it's a Gryffindor  — "

"You'll be able to pay back Diggory for that last Quidditch match, Harry!" shrieked Katie Bell, who had just came as well. Tori eyed the boy, not saying anything.

"We've got food, Harry, come and have some —"

Tori has spent the party with the twins. She glanced over at Harry a few times. Lee had unearthed a Gryffindor banner from somewhere, and he insisted on draping it around Harry like a cloak. Harry looked like he wanted to escape every chance he got.

He couldn't get away; whenever he tried to sidle over to the staircase up to the dormitories, the crowd around him closed ranks, forcing another butterbeer on him, stuffing crisps and peanuts into his hands.

Everyone wanted to know how he had done it, how he had tricked Dumbledore's Age Line, and managed to get his name into the goblet.

"I didn't," he said, over and over again,  "I don't know how it happened." But for all the notice anyone took, he might just as well not have answered at all.

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