clxxxiii. tonk's baby

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Despite the twins unable to return to work in the joke shop, they found their way around the struggle by turning one of the back rooms of Muriel's house into their own work place

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Despite the twins unable to return to work in the joke shop, they found their way around the struggle by turning one of the back rooms of Muriel's house into their own work place. Owls with order forms flew in and out constantly, annoying Muriel to no end.

Tori spent a lot of time in that room, especially since she didn't want to be away from the twins. She often sat by the window, watching the owls fly away into the sky and writing down orders for them. It was something easy, and something that kept her busy since she couldn't go back to work either.

She didn't speak much since returning. Luckily, everyone, except Muriel, was willing to be patient with her. Sometimes when she was alone or in a quiet room, she could still hear Bellatrix's laughter echoing through her skull.

She also always had one to two candles lit while she slept. Being in complete darkness reminded her too much of the cell. She and Fred shared a room, another thing that Muriel hated, and sometimes she would wake up in the middle of the night, her heart pounding as she could have sworn Bellatrix was standing at the foot of their bed.

Tori was sitting in the backroom one day tying a letter to an owl's leg when Fred knocked at the door. "Hey, there's someone here to see us."

Tori stared at him, a look of fear on her face until Fred shook his head. "No, it's all good things... Tonks is here, with her baby."

Tori's face lit up immediately. "Really?" She got up quickly, following him out of the room and down into the living room.

There was a crowd already around Tonks, who was standing at the doorway. Molly and Arthur stood in Tori's eye line around Tonks. She could hear Muriel talking loudly to Mr. Ollivander in the other room, and she could hear the sound of Ginny running into the room as well.

"It's a boy. We've named him Edward, after my father. Figured we'd call him Teddy." Tonks was saying, shifting her body so Tori and Fred could see the baby.

Teddy was sleeping soundly in his mother's arms. To Tori's surprise, he had a good head of light blue hair. "He's been changing it every hour," Tonks added, noticing Tori's face.

"So he's a Metamorphmagus too?" Molly asked, watching the baby with a smile. Tonks nodded, "Yes he is. We're not sure if he's a werewolf, of course, I don't think that would be a bad thing, but Remus gets all worried."

"He's precious," Tori said, unable to contain her excitement.

Tonks grinned, "Do you want to hold him?"

"Can I?" Tori asked with another look of surprise on her face. "Of course, you're his Godmother, aren't you? Alright, come here."

Tonks instructed her how to hold Teddy, and Tori sat on one of the white sofas, holding the baby carefully in her arms. She sat very stiffly until Tonks laughed, telling her to relax.

"Oh, he's looking at you." Tonks chuckled, taking a seat next to Tori, who looked down. Teddy's eyes were open, showcasing how brown they were. Tonks explained they were getting browner every day, but she wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they were suddenly green. Fred sat across from Tori on the other sofa with a smile as he watched Tori interact with the baby.

"Hi Teddy," Tori said softly, a smile upon her face. Teddy yawned, his hair turning from a bright blue to a black that matched Tori's.

Tonks let out a chuckle as Tori touched her own. "He's constantly changing his hair colors he recognizes. Luckily it's just his hair right now. My mother says I was doing the exact same thing."

Molly proceeded to ask Tonks how her mother was but Tori turned them out. Teddy had grabbed Tori's finger and Tori couldn't help but notice how small his hands were.

"Oh, no. You don't want to eat my hair. No, no, you don't." Tori pulled her hair around the other side of her face to keep it away from the baby. She glanced up sharing a smile with Fred as she looked back down.

"I'm Tori, your godmother," Tori said quietly to the baby. "Which means you're going to learn mischief quickly, aren't you?"

"With Remus and mines genes? No doubt. Merlin, especially if you and Harry are his godparents." Tonks realized, causing Tori to laugh. "You didn't think this out, did you? Well? It's too late now! Isn't it Teddy?"

After about ten minutes Tori passed Teddy off to Ginny and took a seat next to Fred. "You're good with him," Fred chuckled, watching Ginny coo over the baby.

"I guess I'm just a natural." Tori joked, brushing her hair off of her shoulder so it would fall into her back. She and Fred shared a laugh.

Teddy went around the room like one of the twins' fireworks. Everyone took turns holding him while Tonks spoke to Molly. When it was Fred's turn to hold Teddy, he carefully held him upwards a bit.

"I guess you're the natural..." Tori commented. Fred chuckled, "Well when you have two younger siblings also growing up, you get good at taking care of babies. Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I swear I'm not."

Fred clearly didn't believe her but he returned his attention back to Teddy, who was more awake now. Tori watched as Fred bounced Teddy around and how Teddy seemed to be enjoying it, he even cracked a smile.

Fred noticed, chuckling. "He must like you," Tonks told him, glancing over.

"What?" Fred asked her when he met her gaze. Tori only shook her head, biting back a grin. "Nothing."

Fred continued to bounce Teddy until Molly wanted to hold him before Tonks left. Fred let go of the baby's after handing him away and took his seat once again.

"What?" He asked once again, seeing Tori's smile.

"You're really good with him." Tori shrugged. "It's cute."

idk what this isi have so much school work today

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idk what this is
i have so much school work today

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