clxxv. potterwatch

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"Your code names are Rodent and Gold

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"Your code names are Rodent and Gold."

"Gold?" Tori narrowed her eyes at the same Fred shook his head.

"What? Those are clever! I spent a long time coming up with those!" Lee Jordan frowned, crossing his arms as he stared ahead at the radio that sat in front of him.

"Gold?" Tori repeated. "That's not clever. A ten-year-old could figure out who I was."

"It's better than, 'Rodent' really? Can't I have something cool, like Rapier?"

"Fine! I don't care! Make up your own code names or something. We're starting in two minutes." Lee threw his hands up in the air and began clicking on his radio.

They were all sitting inside of Lee Jordan's flat at his kitchen table. The drapes were tightly pulled over the windows and the doors were locked. It would have been rather dark if not for the lights. Tori and Fred shifted in their chairs, get prepared for Lee's radio to start his talk show called Potterwatch.

Lee had came up with the idea in hopes of any news of what was going on reaching Harry, Ron, or Hermione. It was highly guarded with a new password mentioned at the end of every show and the use of code names to keep everyone else safe. George was back at the Joke Shop, covering for her and Fred while they came and did this.

Tori glanced at the clock and immediately Lee started talking. "Welcome back to Potterwatch, glad there was no delay this time. Today I am joined by two new broadcasters with me, Rapier and Gold."

"Glad to be here with you River," Tori replied while Fred beamed at Lee's use of 'Rapier.'

"Likewise, Gold." Lee grinned. He continued to talk for a while and then read off a long list of names of wizards and witches who have gone missing. Tori held Fred's hand under the table, listening to each name until Lee stopped. She didn't recognize anyone too familiar, just a few Ministry workers she had passed once or twice.

Lee sighed, setting the list down. "Always the hardest part of the job. Now, Gold. You wanted to give a message to the listeners?"

"Yes, thank you, River." Tori nodded, careful not to say his name. "The Ministry is targeting many Muggleborns at the moment. They're offering a fair trial to each and every one of you. Many Muggleborns have gone into hiding. If you're a Muggleborn listening in, and you are awaiting your trial, do not, I repeat, do not go to your trial. Leave the country, now. Hell, leave Europe. The Order has gained access to people in America willing to take in witches and wizards. If you can't leave Europe, we have families in France and Romania ready to take others in. Again, do not go to your trial. They are using this as an advantage to trap Muggleborns and haul them off into Azkaban."

There was silence for a moment and Lee quickly began to talk to that. "Thank you for that, Gold. Please stay safe everyone. Now, Rapier..."

Fred began to talk shortly after that. "While we're all not searching for Harry, we want him to know we're all willing to help him. All he needs to do is reach out. "

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