xxxi. the truth circle

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"Truth Circle

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"Truth Circle. What is it you ask? Great question."


"Shut it, Charlie, I'm teaching a lesson. The truth circle is a bonding experience. The immediate team sits in a circle before the game and we each tell each other something no one else knows. About fears, worries, or dreams. Not something stupid like who you have a crush on, but you can definitely tell me that cause I have a couple bets placed..."


"Okay! Godric! You're almost as bad as McGonagall! What gets said in the truth circle never, EVER, leaves. Do you understand me? This is to help us get to know and trust each other more."

Tori was seated next to Angelina on the right of Mae. The entire quidditch team was seated in a huge circle as Mae had instructed. They could all hear the crowd outside shuffling in. It was the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff match today, and Mae was helping them get ready.

"Charlie and I will start... Hi, My name is Mae. And I'm worried about failing potions right now. Professor Snape is really doing anything to get me to fail, but I refuse to let that happen... see? It's not that bad. Charlie, you go."

"Hi, my name is Charlie, and I'm very close to becoming a dragonologist, but if I do, I might have to drop quidditch. This is something I've always wanted to do, but I'm in it of a situation." Mae looked at Charlie, surprise written on her face. She said nothing, letting Oliver continue.

They went around the circle, Oliver saying that he really wants to win the Quidditch Cup this year, Fred and George about having to choose an elective for next year, Angelina said she was a bit worried about her parents not being able to make it to her games. Tori frowned, feeling a bit sad for her friend. When it was her turn she didn't know what to say.

She had a lot of things to be worried about, she just chose the first one that crossed her mind. "Uh, I guess I'm worried about getting hit in the head with a bludger..." she cracked a weak smile, smoothing over the tension. There were only a few chuckles and a few smiles.

Charlie rose first, "That was good, now we feel a bit more connected. Come on, we need to get to the match." He grabbed his broom, not giving a pep talk this time. Tori rose next, followed by the rest of the team getting ready.

Tori let out a deep breath, remembering the plays they had learned over the past two weeks. She formed in line as the team made their way to the quidditch pitch one by one. She could hear Lee's announcements before the riser had even risen.

"A very cloudy day definitely won't stop quidditch! Welcome everyone to the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff match, the first one since our return from a holiday break. Here comes the Gryffindor team, looking fantastic as always. Don't worry girls, I've left all of my pick up lines in my other robe. Hufflepuff's looking good as well!"

Tori chuckled to herself. A game without a pickup line? This was going to be an odd one. She once again followed her team down to the centerline. Madam Hootch gave her the same old speech about playing fairly. Tori glanced up to see Cedric on his broom, he winked at her as Madam Hootch threw the quaffle in the air.

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