xcii. WEEZLY

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"Morning, Basil," Arthur greeted, picking up the boot and handing it to the kilted wizard, who threw it into a large box of used Portkeys beside him

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"Morning, Basil," Arthur greeted, picking up the boot and handing it to the kilted wizard, who threw it into a large box of used Portkeys beside him. Tori could see an old newspaper, an empty drinks can, and a punctured muggle ball.

"Hello there, Arthur," said Basil wearily. "Not on duty, eh? It's all right for some... We've been here all night... You'd better get out of the way, we've got a big party coming in from the Black Forest at five fifteen. Hang on, I'll find your campsite... Weasley... Weasley...." He consulted his parchment list. "About a quarter of a mile's walk over there, first field you come to. Site manager's called Mr. Roberts. Diggory...
second field... ask for Mr. Payne."

"Thanks, Basil," Arthur said., and he beckoned everyone to follow him. They set off across the deserted moor, unable to make out much through the mist. After about twenty minutes, a small stone cottage next to a gate swam into view. Beyond it, Tori could just make out the ghostly shapes of hundreds and hundreds of tents, rising up the gentle slope of a large field toward a dark wood on the horizon. They said good-bye to the Diggory's and approached the cottage door.

Tori finally caught up with the twins, who still seemed bitter from their mother throwing their toffees out. "Oh come on, guys. You can always make more."

"It's not about that." Fred sighed, glancing over at Arthur, who had just obliviated a Muggle who had seen too much. "It's about the fact she can't accept that we don't want to go work at the ministry."

"So she has to see that," Tori told them. "Come on, you've never once in your life followed your mother's rules. Why start now?" They had reached the very edge of the wood at the top of the field, and there was an empty space, with a small sign hammered into the ground that read WEEZLY.

"Couldn't have a better spot!" Arthur said happily. "The field is just on the other side of the wood there, we're as close as we could be." He hoisted his backpack from his shoulders. "Right," He said excitedly, "no magic allowed, strictly speaking, not when we're out in these numbers on Muggle land. We'll be putting these tents up by hand! Shouldn't be too difficult... Muggles do it all the time... Here, Harry, where do you reckon we should start?"

Hermione continued to have to help the group. "No, Tori. It's goes here—" She would say. Tori narrowed her eyes, "Why would anyone even want to go camping? Hey Fred and George! Mind helping?" She demanded, her hand in her hips.

They were standing around, smirking. "No, we're good," George replied. Eventually, the tent was set up.  All of them stood back to admire their handiwork. Nobody looking at these tents would guess they belonged to wizards.

"We'll be a bit cramped," Arthur called, getting on his hands and knees to crawl in. "But I think we'll all squeeze in. Come and have a look."

Tour went in after Harry, laughing at his jaw-dropping. "I love magic." He whispered, staring around at the tent. It looked like an old-fashioned, three-room flat, complete with bathroom and kitchen.

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