ix. speak clearly

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Dear Tori,Hey, just seeing how you're doing

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Dear Tori,
Hey, just seeing how you're doing. Me and George sure miss you. Percy's being annoying (as usual) and Ron and Ginny argue a lot.

We've been playing quidditch a bit, you should see Ginny on a broom. She fantastic, and she's only eight! You'd like her, she reminds me of your sister sort of.

Anyway, that's enough around here. Christmas is only next week, isn't that weird? Time flies or something like that.

Hope you're doing well, write back to me when you can, it's weird not seeing you.

George says hi, and some other stuff I'm not going to put down because it's annoying.

Miss you, Tori.


P.S. I thought about what you said about your family and your sister not knowing, do you honestly think they didn't tell her?

Tori read over the letter about ten times before grabbing a parchment herself and beginning to write. She told Fred she wasn't sure about her parents and that they hadn't said much to her since she arrived. Tori decided to hold back on how she was feeling lonely, she didn't want him to worry.

She also told him to say hi to George and Charlie for her and she couldn't wait to see them again.

When she finished signing her name there was a small knock at her door. Her sister Dove came in, she stared at Tori writing and smirked. "Are you writing to your boyfriend?" Tori whipped around, "No! He's not my boyfriend! What... What do you want?"

"It's dinner time, Mother and Father want to talk about the next few days and Christmas."

"Okay. I'll be down in a moment." Tori grumbled and watched her sister turn away, dancing down the hall. Tori swiftly addressed the envelope and sealed it before handing it to the brown owl that sat on her desk.

It let out a hoot that caused Athena to hoot. It then soared out of Tori's open window, into the sunset. Tori watched it go before she got up from her chair. She made her way down the stairs and towards the dining room.

Her mother greeted her as she pushed her chair back and sat down next to Dove who was already picking at the dish. Bouillabaisse wasn't exactly the nine-year-old's favorite, She rather eat a Cauldron Cake instead.

Tori bit her lip as her father sat down, letting them begin their meal. There was little conversation at the beginning until her father put down his spoon. "Your Grandmother will be joining us tomorrow until after Christmas. I want every single one of you to be on your very best behavior."

Tori didn't look up, but she could feel the eyes of her father on her. She didn't know why. If anything it was Dove who would act up. He took a slurp of his soup than a deep breath, saying the next sentence slowly.

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