xxv. the quidditch results

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Mae, Charlie, and Oliver argued a lot

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Mae, Charlie, and Oliver argued a lot.

A few people said they had been watching them and every moment it seemed like they were arguing. No one dared to try and hear what they were saying, but it was visible they were in a heated debate.

They isolated themselves from everyone, which was probably a brilliant idea. They ate together, sat in the common room, and even walked in the halls together. But every time they were arguing. Most of the time people overheard Mae refusing to work full time with someone, no one knew who, but Tori really hoped it wasn't her.

It was Sunday night. And Tori didn't expect a party.

If anything, it made her uneasy. The idea of having it announced to everyone and everyone seeing your reaction. Either way, here she was. The entire house was there. A red banner hung on one of the walls with gold painted words "CONGRATS NEW TEAMMATES!"

Tori sat with her friends in the common room on the floor, leaning against the back of the couch that was taken up by some older students. Alicia was running over her sheet music for Frog Choir tryouts while Lee had to read over his unbiased pledge. Professor McGonagall seemed to have the same idea as Tori. They both knew Lee couldn't be unbiased. Tori scolded Fred and George who were itching to listen to Mae, Charlie, and Oliver. The three of them were seated at one of the tables once again, whispering frantically to each other. Every so often you would hear someone raise their voice, most of the time it was Mae.

"No... there's no teamwork... then lose me... reserve... yes... okay... that works... yes, I want them... shut your trap Charlie, I'm right... Mae... Don't 'Mae' me,"

There was a lot of chatter in the common room, talking about Quidditch's strategy and even a few students placed a bet on who would make it. Angelina came over from the table filled with many treats and drinks. She handed Tori a cauldron cake, who bit into it stressfully.

"You did good on your try out. Trust me, if you don't make it Charlie will never hear the end of it." Fred whispered, patting her on the back. Tori laughed quietly. "Same goes for you. I hope-"

"Alright! Everyone gather round!" Mae announced, cutting Tori off and gathering everyone's attention. "Alright! Charlie. Do the talking." A few people chuckled as Charlie took the lead.

"We are just about to announce who made the team! This was a very hard decision and took a lot of... arguing. Fortunately, we have finally agreed. We went looking for two beaters and reserve beaters, two chasers and their reserves, plus a reserve for keeper. Again, if you are picked as a reserve you come to only certain practices. You play when one of our team members is sick, suspended, or in the hospital wing. And... everyone knows what happens when you're a player."

"Get on with it Charlie!" Someone joked. The room filled with light laughter, Charlie with them. "Practices start tomorrow night at five. All reserves and players must come! Now Wood will start us off!"

Tori clapped along with her friends when Oliver spoke up. "Thank you. Now, our reserve keeper is... Lia Evans!" There was loud applause while a girl seated by the window jumped up. She shook hands with Charlie, thanking him before hugging Mae.

Charlie took the stage, looking at his sheet of paper. "The reserve beaters are... Lydia Wilson and Aaron Davies!" Tori grabbed Fred with one arm, shaking him intensely. They had a chance! "You're going to give me a migraine," Fred muttered as she apologized. Charlie announced the final once he finished shaking hands. "And our beaters are... Fred and George Weasley!"

Tori jumped up, hugging both of her friends before letting them go up there. She continued to jump up and down, cheering the loudest out of anybody there. Fred and George shook their brother's hand before taking a place next to him. Once it settled down Mae came up, waving the paper in her hand playfully.

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for because let's be honest, chasers carry this team. Okay, enough with the glaring Charlie you know it's true. The reserve chasers are... Jacob Morrison and Amber Baker!" Tori and Angelina grabbed each other's hands, squeezing tightly. Tori watched as Jacob shook hands with Charlie, but he didn't seem that happy. "This year's Chasers are..."

Tori and Angelina squeezed each other's hands so hard you would have thought their hands would snap. Tori even closed her eyes. "Angelina Johnson and Victoria Silvers!" Shocked at what they heard, the two girls threw their arms around each other, jumping up and down with excitement.

There was a loud roar of applause as they shook both Charlie's hand and Mae's. "Congratulations." Charlie beamed. Mae even hugged them. "I am very excited to be working with you two."

"Us too," Angelina replied. The stood on the other side of Charlie as he gestured to the team. "Our new Gryffindor quidditch team!" He announced, followed by many applause and a few cheers. Mae turned to the team and quickly spoke. "If you don't have a broom please see Charlie or Me, we have order forms. You need to submit them by the end of next week! Until then you will play on school-owned brooms. Now. Let's get this party started!"

So it did. Tori rushed over to the twins, hugging them. "I knew you'd make it!" Fred yelled, wrapping his arms around Tori. She laughed. "Same here. You're going to be an amazing beater!"

"Hey. I'm here too." George plopped in. Tori turned and gave him a hug as well. "You too Georgie. I'm so glad we all get to play together!" Lee and Alicia joined congratulating them. Tori was talking to Lee about commentary when Angelina poked her, gesturing over her shoulder. Morrison stood there arguing with Mae and Charlie about something. The music was turned up pretty loud, plus a lot of people were talking so the group couldn't hear what was being said.

Morrison must have said something awful because Mae turned extremely pale and Charlie got all up in his face about it. "Don't you ever think about completing that sentence!" Charlie shouted loud enough for Tori to hear. "Get out of here before we kick you off for good!"

Tori watched Morrison stomp off and Mae took a seat, her head in her hands. "What do you think happened?" Angelina asked, turning away from the scene. Fred looked unsure. "Jacob must have said something nasty," He sighed, watching his older brother get up and grab two drinks. Even Oliver sat down, patting Mae's back.

"Charlie, what...?" George tried to stop his brother, but Charlie shook his head. "I get you guys are trying to be nice, but it's none of your business right now. Just go enjoy the party. You guys earned it."

okay, possible next chapter they'll actually have some school? lol

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okay, possible next chapter they'll actually have some school? lol

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