clv. n.e.w.t.s

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Weasley is our king,

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Weasley is our king,

Weasley is our king,

He didn't let the Quaffle in,

Weasley is our King..."

Ron had done spectacularly. Tori couldn't believe it, but soon Ron was waving the silver Quidditch Cup in his hands.

''Weasley can save anything,

He never leaves a single ring,

That's why Gryffindors all sing:

Weasley is our King.

''Weasley is our King,

Weasley is our King,

He didn't let the Quaffle in,

Weasley is our King!"

Tori had played well, sure she was about more aggressive than usual and nearly knocked Cho Chang off her broom, but it was worth it once she got to hold the Quidditch Cup over her head towards the screaming Gryffindor crowd.

"Weasley is our king!"

✧ ✦ ✧

Despite the win, the next week was all cleared for N.E.W.T.S. which made Tori very nervous. She and Lee studied for hours when they weren't pulling off their next prank on Umbridge.

"Nastily Exhausting" was an understatement. Tori had never studied harder for anything in her life. She was up nearly all hours of the night and falling asleep during the day. Luckily, she wasn't the only one.

Monday they had their Transfiguration N.E.W.T. first. Tori did well, turning a cauldron into a swarm of butterflies. She also managed to turn her foot into a fin for a minute.

On Tuesday was their charms assignment. Professor Flitwick called them in one by one and let them perform a charm of their choice for any extra credit before their exam. Tori decided to cast three small fireworks, no doubt using the twins as inspiration. Professor Flitwick smiled at her and marked down his parchment.

On Tuesday night, Tori was sleeping soundly when Angelina shook her awake. "Somethings going on outside, come on." Groggily, but forcing herself to become alert, Tori followed Angelina down the dormitory stairs.

Most of the fifth years started to come into the common room, looking frightened. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan quickly filled them in on what happened.

"We were just taking out Astronomy O.W.L.S.—"

"—There was a lot of noise—"

"— Hagrid was begging attacked—"

"—Lots of shouting—"

"—Professor McGonagall was struck four times—"

"— nasty stunning spell to the chest—"

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