xxix. you want to talk about rude?

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"Everyone be sure to grab a set of earmuffs

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"Everyone be sure to grab a set of earmuffs. Place them on tightly! You're going to want them for this lesson." Professor Sprout handed each student a pair of earmuffs once the walked into class. Tori didn't know why they would need them, they're literally in a class about plants.

Tori stood next to both the twins on either side of her as the three of them listened to Professor Sprout's lecture. "Today we are working with mandrakes! You're probably wondering what the earmuffs are for so I'll explain. Once a mandrake is taken out of its pot and exposed to oxygen, they let out a piercing scream that can break almost anyone's eardrums. They scream so loudly and strongly, they can shatter glass when pushed up against it."

"What do you say we let a couple of these loose for our next prank?" Fred asked both Tori and George. "Did you not hear the part about screams that can break glass?" Tori whispered, looking between the two of them. The twins shrugged. "Doesn't seem,-"

"That bad."

"Alright! Make sure your earmuffs are on for this one! Ready everyone? Here I go..." Professor Sprout yanked the mandrake out if it's pot, exposing its roaring scream. Tori, like many others, clutched their earmuffs in pain. "Godric, shut that thing up!" She yelped. She watched Sprout place the creature into another pot and began filling it with soil.

"You still want to let that thing loose?" Tori turned to the twins, still clutching her earmuffs. The twins shook their heads simultaneously. "Nope."

"We're good."

"No one should ever..."


"Listen to that thing."

Unfortunately, Professor Sprout commanded they take their mandrakes out. Tori grimaced at the ugly overgrown tree. She shoved it into the other pot, doing anything to shut it up. She buried it beneath loads of soil, hoping to stop the screeching. "Excellent job, Ms. Silvers!" Sprout applauded Tori, who felt a little sheepish. She only moved so fast so it would shut up, not because of what Professor Sprout said.

"I think that thing did burst my eardrums," Tori whined once they had left Herbology. They had a couple of minutes to get to their History of Magic class. Nothing ever really happened in that class, especially since their professor... wasn't exactly alive.

A brown owl swooped in overhead, landing on George's shoulder with a letter in its mouth. Tori gave the twins a confused look as Fred began to unfold the letter. The owl didn't seem to want to hang around long so it quickly flew off, leaving the trio to crowd around.

Fred skimmed the first couple of sentences and sighed. "Seems like we're staying here for Christmas." He handed the letter for Getting to read as they began to walk again. "Is everything okay?" Tori asked them, concern written all over her face.

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