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The team's euphoria of the final Quidditch winning lasted a little over a week

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The team's euphoria of the final Quidditch winning lasted a little over a week. Even the weather seemed to match the Gryffindor house's mood. The days because cloudless and sunny, causing many students to be wishing they could stroll outside. They wanted to lie on the grass and play some Gobblestones or watch the squid swim across the lake.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't. Exams and O.W.L.S. we're coming up. So students sat inside, forcing themselves to rely on their studies for the answers.

Tori stood in Professor Lupin's class, watching him stroll around as he talked. "Today we will be learning the spell Protego, does anyone know what this spell can do, yes, Mr. Kaly?"

"It's a shield spell. This spell can block an attack."

"Excellent. Now, to be able to produce this spell you have to say it with strength. Everyone, lean back now and say Protego!"




"Brilliant! Now, settle down. Can I have a volunteer willing— you don't even know what your volunteering for— willing to help show the class the spell against me." Professor Lupin's eyes scanned the crowd before landed on a student who didn't have her hand raised.

"Miss Silvers, care to join me upfront?"

Tori nodded, a bit surprised. She stepped foreword away from her friends to stand across her Professor. Lupin began talking once again, "Not to fear, I will not be using anything to hurt our friend here. The spell I will be using is the tickling charm. Now, Miss Silvers May, I give a demonstration of the said charm?"

Tori agreed, not seeing a problem with it. Professor Lupin pointed his wand at her and with a quick jerk of his hand called out, "Rictusempra!" Immediately, Tori bent over laughing as the sparkling spell surrounded her. She clutching her stomach, trying to stop. She could hear some of the classmates laughing along with her.

"Excellent, Excellent! As you can see no harm is done, and we can begin the real treat. Now, Miss Silvers. I am going to cast that spell at you several times, and I want you to block it using Protego. Sounds good?"

"Yes, Professor." Tori stood with her feet apart and her wand ready. Her first few tries weren't great, her stomach hurt from laughing so much once she had been hit for the fifth time. She shook herself, taking a deep breath.

Professor Lupin shot the spell without warning this time. Tori quickly held her wand out. "Protego!" She shouted. Almost like an umbrella, the spell shot away and disappeared into nothing. There was a small round of applause before Lupin continued to use it without any such warning.

Tori kept blocking it, moving her wand in every which direction. She had a rather large grin on her face as she proudly stopped every advance. Professor Lupin stopped, applauding her. "Excellent, just excellent Miss Silvers! Now, I want all of you to pair up and practice that spell. Remember only use the tickling charm. Ah, Professor McGonagall, what can I help you with?"

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