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Ishikawa Hiroshi had seen many things. A dead body, a woman's laundry, and his awkward smiles, but never has he seen one of his student to be 4 years old. He had entered the class during lunch and found her meditating while his other two students were eating their lunch. "Team 7, come with me," he said with an awkward smile and walked out. Tobito and Haru closed their trays of food and walked to their sensei. Sakura simply stood up and walked out quietly , her footsteps silent. The three of them were following their new sensei, and he walked out to a training ground. "Alright," Hiroshi said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I understand we have a 4 year old in the team, but don't underestimate her. She's a prodigy being taught by other prodigies. She needs to be respected like everyone else," he said as he looked at her.

He saw a jinchuriki, prodigy, and a lonely little girl. He never met his parents, but the girl grew up with them, and murdered them on her birthday. Tobito and Haru stayed quiet. Tobito decided to speak up,"What are we doing here sir?" Haru asked as he looked around. "We're doing team bonding exercises," he said and was met with silence. "Your smile looks weird," stated Sakura and he sweat dropped. "Oh yeah well your smile looks weird as well," Sakura deadpanned at that and decided to say four words. "I have a mask," and with that she sat down, and sighed out in boredom. Right now she could've been training ,but here she was, bored.

Hiroshi got an idea to see if they bond as a team. He heard that Sakura was like Kakashi and Itachi, she decided to work alone and was emotionless like Kakashi, but she had got Itachi's caring side. He wanted to see what she had, how she fought, and how she carried herself. "I'll go hide, and you guys have to find me," he said and poofed away, leaving his students in silence. "We have to work as a team," Sakura stated and Haru shook his head. "I heard you like working alone like Kakashi, so why don't you leave prodigy and find him yourself," he said in a mad tone and Sakura sighed. "Very well," she said and ran into the woods.

After ten minutes, Sakura felt a chakra force, just like her new team captain and followed it. There he was, and he saw her. "Well as expected you found me, but I want you to fight me, Sakura. With everything you got," Hiroshi said and Sakura nodded. She jumped in front t of him and punched him in the stomach, making him fly back to 15 feet away. 'Physically strong no that was a chakra infused punch. Clever' he thought as he threw kunai and she dodged all of them. He ran to her and engaged in a battle of taijutsu. She was good he had to admit, her kicks and punches were perfect, but still he was better. He used his jutsu on her and defeated her. "You're good , your senseis are teaching you well, but coming without teammates was foolish," Hiroshi said and Sakura spoke up. "I know it was teamwork but Haru made me leave," she stated and sat down. Hiroshi was shocked and awkwardly smiled and laughed. "Why are you laughing?" She said as she seem bothered by him. Her mask was left untouched and she sighed.

Haru and Tobito were looking for their sensei but saw him lecturing Sakura. "Sakura, I know that Kakashi and Itachi are training you, but you have to get used to working with them. It's a rule," he said with a finger up and she shook her head. "There is no such rule in the book, Kakashi sensei showed me it and it said we are tools. Our missions should be completed no matter what, and shinobi don't show emotion," she stated and Hiroshi sighed. "You are right
there is no rule, and what you stated is correct ,but teamwork is better than going solo," he stated and Sakura stayed quiet. "Tobito and Haru come here," he said and they both walked out. "All of you have to work as a team, push your differences aside and when time comes be a team. In the Chunin Exams, teamwork will get you through it, in any mission it will help you out," he stated and turns to his students. "You are Team 7, an uchiha, an Uzumaki, and a prodigy. If you work together you will be a force to be recognized. Now you all pass," he said and looked at them.

*One week later*

Sakura could be seen walking with Itachi and Kakashi to the Uchiha compound. Mikoto had invited them for dinner and they could not refuse. Sakura was excited but scared. Sasuke acted different whenever she was around, almost like the villagers. Itachi and Kakashi noticed and feared for the worst, but they hoped nothing happened to Sakura's only friend, her only friend. They took of their sandals and stepped into the house, smelling delicious food from the kitchen. Sakura quickly went to Mikoto and helped her eye the table. "Thank you, Sakura," mikoto said with a smile and Sakura nodded. Sasuke who had heard that his brother arrived ran to him, but frowned when he saw Sakura. Itachi had been spending less and less time with her, only to spend it with Sakura.

"I feel bad for the Haruno Prodigy," Gugaku said as they ate dinner. "Her parents are gone, by her hand," he said and Sasuke frowned. "Mom what is dad saying?" Mikoto frowned but Fugaku said,"She killed her parents, and she's a jinchuriki. A demon is inside her and the village hates her for it," he said and Sasuke felt afraid. A demon was his friend. Demons are evil, she's going to turn Itachi evil. He glared and left to his room.
*Flashback ends*

Sakura and Kakashi sat further away from the Uchiha family. Mikoto stated in awe as they both ate quickly and covered their mouths. She couldn't see their faces , but he knew Kakashi and Sakura were proud. Kakashi patted Sakura's head , happy that she learned his technique. Itachi was calmly eating and everyone was surprised when Sasuke went to Sakura. "We need to talk, Sakura," he said and Sakura excused herself from the table and followed Sasuke.

Sakura and Sasuke walked into Sasuke's room. Kakashi noticed that Sasuke always scowled when Sakura showed up, she took Itachi's time away, leaving Sasuke without his brother. "Why do you take itachi away?!" He shouted at her, causing her mouth to tighten. "I have no family Sasuke, the village hates me, it's not my fault. Nothing is my fault!" She shouted at him and he said the biggest thing he will always regret. "Oh yeah, you're at fault for killing your parents. Now leave me Jinchuriki." Sakura was wide eyed  and pain showed In her eyes but she didn't cry. Itachi always said a great shinobi doesn't show emotion to strangers. She simply walked to the door, put on her sandals, and walked outside.

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