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Like a sailor who doesn't have a destination eunwoo went out of his room. As he went out he saw jisoo. Like always she was so beautiful and so fresh. She smells like lavender. When jisoo went away as she didn't even saw him his heart start to get hurt.

As eunwoo went he saw dara sitting on the living room couch as she was reading a story. If dara think she can live happily after breaking his heart then it is a big misunderstandment. Jisoo and taehyung have to get separated one way or another.

"Dara.... you are being so comfortable.... what story are you reading" eunwoo dara will take that story from that house library.

"This is king of underworld.... very beautiful story.... I don't know how this story author came up with a this kind of idea.... while reading I really feel pity fro the lead girl" dara said being emotional.

"I never knew you have a heart.... I thought you can jisoo had a rock inside you replaced by the heart" eunwoo said as he had an angry expression.

"Why is it" dara took her glasses off as she close the book.

"You are really good at taking revenge.... you made jisoo to stay at this house only to show me" eunwoo said.

"What.... no.... first I wanted jisoo to marry you.... you can ask your mom.... yoona said you didn't want to get married to jisoo.... that's why I agree to jisoo to get married to a blind man caz I don't have money to live" dara said.

"So mom is at all faults.... do you know my mom and dad is going to sent jisoo to London to study.... I just heard when I passed by" eunwoo said in a mocking voice.

"Oh my God.... it is such a good news" dara's eyes start to shine.

"I have a bad news too.... from my money I will never give anything to taehyung.... this is my house.... my money.... not taehyung's.... do I look like I wanted to sent his wife to London to study" eunwoo smirk evily.

Dara look down to the floor.

"So tell jisoo before it is too late.... ask her to get a divorce from taehyung.... or get ready to go out from this house" eunwoo shouted.

"Why are you being an enemy of your own brother" dara ask. By the way eunwoo talk any one will understand that he is big enemy of his own brother.

"I never tell he is my enemy" eunwoo got tensed when dara was straight forward.

"Will you marry jisoo if taehyung divorce her" there was a hope in dara's voice.

"First make her divorce.... and tell her about whose money and house this is" eunwoo said and dara nodded. Eunwoo went from there turing dara's heart.





Today dara was having a bad headache and not even able to get up. Jisoo sat there to massage her mother's head and it's been an hour since she is doing it.

"Jisoo you are such a good daughter.... now stop you must be tired.... now it is kind of fine" dara said as she open her eyes.

"It is fine mom I can do it" jisoo said even though she miss taehyung and can't wait to go to their room.

"Where is taehyung" dara ask.

"In the room.... now I have to take tea to him" jisoo said.

"To tell the truth your luck is bad.... you are still young.... but have take care of a blind man for the rest of your life.... actually it is the husband who have to take care of the wife.... but in your case it is completely opposite.... I am so sad now.... this is such a bad thing I have done" jisoo was in complete shock when she heard what dara was saying.

"Yoona said if you to study there will be no one to take care of taehyung" dara think and made yoona as the villain. If jisoo saw any of eunwoo's fault then jisoo might not marry him.

"Really did she said like that" jisoo couldn't belive it.

"Yes.... the thing is this is not taehyung's money.... so they won't be able slen that much money on you.... yoona is so sad.... she brought you to this house and make you marry to a poor person who don't have even dollar.... she is being so proud to get you as her daughter in law.... if I knew before she did this to just to show to jennie.... this the real reason of my headache" dara said.

Jisoo sit there looking at the floor. She don't know what to do or what to say.

"What should I do mom now" jisoo ask looking at dara.

"Get a divorce from him" dara said quickly.

Jisoo's eyes got widen. She felt like someone just hit his heart.

"What.... no mom.... if then I will I much bad person then jennie" jisoo was almost crying.

"You have to do what I say" dara got angry.

At that time jisoo remembers how her mother forced her to marry taehyung. The slap on her face. That was the first time dara have hit her in her life. Again she is going to face this. Jisoo's heart was saying her mom will win this time also one way or another. Doesn't her mother think about what she feel and always play with her life in a way she wants.

"Jisoo.... I know you are a good girl.... if you ask taehyung to divorce you so suddenly then a problem might happen.... so what you have to do is you have to stop taking care of him.... you should keep distance from.... so he will divorce you" dara said.

Jisoo can't stand to hear these. She was so disturbed by the fact her mother talk about her husband like this. She don't want to hurt taehyung. Dara's every sentence was an arrow to jisoo's heart. Jisoo knew that now she can't live with out taehyung.

"I will think about it later"  jisoo said as she tried to go but dara stops her.

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To be continue

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