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No force in the earth an separate them apart. Even if they are separated the love will not be gone. Jisoo is only taehyung's and no one else's.

Jisoo could only come back home on the next day afternoon. When jisoo entered the house she saw someone who she hadn't seen before.

"This is taehyung's wife.... jisoo" yoona smile and introduced jisoo to that man.

"This is Dr.park jimin.... a cousin of taehyung.... taehyung's best friend.... he came back to Korea yesterday"  yoona said.

"Congratulations jisoo.... you are so lucky to have tae as your husband.... I have to say you both are a beautiful couple.... even though I haven't seen you two together" jimin said and laugh which made jisoo also to smile and yoona hit jimin's arm lightly.

"Thank you" jisoo said shyly. Jimin is the first person who is happy about her and taehyung. He really is taehyung's best friend.

"Jisoo.... you are back from busan right.... I really tried to call you" jisoo don't know what to say. Her mother started to tell lies to yoona now.

"Taehyung have a really high fever.... jimin ask only to use water to cool him down and not to use medicine.... rest is what he wants" jisoo knew yoona was little angry. It's okay. Yoona have rights to be angry with her.

"Make sure to give him lots of water.... and if something happens call me" jimin save his number on jisoo's phone.

"Jisoo is also a doctor in future" yoona said.

"Wow.... really" jimin said happily.

"I really want to be a doctor.... I will go now to taehyung" jisoo said as she smiled.

"Yes.... jisoo.... make sure give him his medicine on time.... it's a good thing you came.... I am going with jimin to his house.... it's been so many days I haven't visit them" yoona said and left with jimin.

Jisoo secretly go went to taehyung's room but her mother came and hold her hand not knowing where she came from and took her to another room and lock the door.

Jisoo cried and beg her mother to let her go to taehyung. But dara even didn't seems to hear her. She didn't feel any thing when her own daughter was crying like that. More than that dara was into money.

"Fine mom....I  will not go.... but can you go.... taehyung have really high fever.... and there is no one in the house" tears kept falling from jisoo's eyes.

"His mother went out with a younger boy to live her life to the fullest leaving us to look after her sick son.... inam telling you I will not do that.... I don't care if her son dies also" dara said.

"No mom.... we can't do that.... let me go.... it's not good to keep him alone" jisoo cover face with her eyes. There was so many complaints in her heart. Why is it everyone have to be so heartless.

"Jisoo you are such an unabashed daughter.... can't you do one thing I say with out saying a word.... are in love with a blind man" dara said.

"Mom.... it is not good to do this" jisoo said and throw herself to the bed.

"Okay fine.... it's not your problem.... his brother is in this house.... I will tell him.... eunwoo is in his room" dara said and got out of that room.





Yoona went with jimin after trusting jisoo with her son. Yoona knew jisoo will take a good care of taehyung.

She came home a lite late vita first thing also she went to taehyung room to ask how he feels now. When yoona entered the room the room was pit black. Yoona cover her mouth as she switch on the lights. There was vomit all over the bed.

"Taehyung" yoona put her hand on his forehead and she felt like her hand burned. Taehyung was having that high temperature. Yoona cried when she saw how taehyung is.

"Oh my God.... I think we have take you to the hospital" yoona said and call to jimin. Still taehyung didn't want to go to the hospital. But at last he agreed when jimin, his mother and his friends didn't stops.

Taehyung was so sad. The girl who have been taking care of her didn't came when he really needs her. His mother told him she went to busan and still didn't came back. Maybe she didn't come when she knew taehyung was sick.

"Mom.... where is the sunglass" taehyung ask. He don't want to go out with out it.

"Tae.... why the sunglass.... no one will know you can't see after seeing your eyes.... still the beautiful chocolate orbs.... why are you hiding it.... ohh you are so good at tricks.... only now I knew why.... you have tried a lot to change your look....long hair and a bread.... you are doing this to save from girls troubles right" jimin said joking. Even though taehyung was really sick he laugh a little at jimin.





Yoona was so angry. Eunwoo is treating his own brother like an enemy. Taehyung is so hood to eunwoo. But eunwoo is complete opposite. He didn't even want to  visit taehyung in the hospital.

"You are so bad" yoona said.

"You love taehyung more than me.... this time also you found a beautiful girl for him" eunwoo said.

"So this is the problem.... this is all because you don't listen to me.... first I told you to marry jisoo and you said you don't want to" yoona said.

"Taehyung take all what I wants.... he destroyed my life.... that is what is happening to him right now.... he becomes blind and useless" yoona's eyes got widen.

"Mom.... even though you shout this is the truth.... and I will make sure that jisoo can't go to London.... this is my house.... this is my money" eunwoo said.

"This is a big misunderstanding" yoona said.

"Fine.... even though it is not still mine.... it is my dad's.... and you also can't do unwanted things with this money" eunwoo said and yoona slap his cheeks.

1023 words.

To be continue

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