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It was really late when jisoo could get out of dara's room. The tea time for taehyung got late and jisoo was so sad about it. Suddenly what kind of tunder came to her beautiful life. It was already six in the evening when jisoo got into taehyung's room with the tea. Taehyung was standing infront of the open window. At that time jisoo wanted to go and hug taehyung as she cry her heart out.

"I am so sorry the tea got late.... I waited at mom's room as she was having a bad headache" jisoo said as she put the plates on the table.

"It's okay.... moreover tea is not that important.... as I ate a lot at lunch I am not that hungry.... but I was late because you are late.... I thought something happened to you" after hearing taehyung's last sentence jisoo almost started crying.

"I am so happy now that you came.... have you already taken the tea" taehyung ask.

"No.... I also didn't as I didn't got any time for that.... here it I had pizza and chocolate cake today" as they were drink the tea they talk about different things. Jisoo ask about taehyung father as she knew eunwoo's father is not taehyung's father. Taehyung said that his father is from dague and his father passed away when he was young.

"Now I knew why you have such a manly deep voice and handsome" jisoo said.

"There are this kind of voices in Seoul also.... you are included.... my mom told me you are not beautiful" taehyung said as he laughs.

"I am ugly" jisoo felt sad. Actually yoona is so bad. Why did she loed to taehyung. But when ever yoona sees her she will like jisoo is her own daughter.

"I don't care if you look like a monster also.... first I got married to a beautiful girl and she left me.... ugly girls be be much better" jisoo knew taehyung said it to make her feel good.

"Maybe" taehyung knew the reason behind jisoo's silence. And he really found it funny.

"Jisooooo.... are you here... why are you so silent.... actually mom said that for a joke" taehyung told jisoo the reason why his mom told him jisoo was ugly. And jisoo laughs at it.

Even though jisoo felt reviled for a moment something is happening to her. She is so afraid for the fact that she might have to leave taehyung. Taehyung is so good. She finds taehyung handsome now. Specially his lips and smile.

"What are you thinking about" taehyung ask.

"Nothing much.... I am thinking that I will not go to the London to study.... that is too much money" jisoo said slowly.

"No.... my mom is ready to send you to London to study.... mom is ready to spend money on you as if it is water.... so don't worry.... moreover I will also happy when you becomes a doctor" taehyung is sad as he knew he have stay away from jisoo.... it will so long.... his hearts breaks every time he thinks about this.

At that time some one knock on the door. Jisoo open the door and dara signal her to follow her. Jisoo became tense. She knew the look on dara's face.

Tonight is a rainy night. The rain is pouring heavily. And it was so cold. At the time rain hot a little light taehyung heard jisoo crying as she was laying on the bed. Taehyung slowly came near to the bed.

"What happen" taehyung ask and jisoo didn't answer.

"Tell me what happen.... I know something happened.... tonight dinner was also brought by your mom.... and felt that your mom was also angry.... I know something have happened.... did my mom tell you something" taehyung ask.

"No no.... it's nothing big" jisoo is still crying. Her heart is breaking in small pieces. But she is not strong enough to tell the truth to taehyung.

"Please jisoo" taehyung said as he sit on the bed and fid his way to jisoo's hand as he hold it for the first time. At that time there was goosebumps all over her body.

"Won't you tell me" taehyung ask in a sad tone which made jisoo to cry more. When you are sad and got some one who care about you then you will be much more.

"Don't cry jisoo.... don't.... I can also say something when you tell me what have happened.... did mom say something.... or eunwoo.... then there is no one this to tell you something.... or did jennie call" taehyung ask still holding her hands.

"No.... nothing like that happen.... I am just sad" if taehyung is asking her this much she have to say something. On the other hand she have to hide how her mom think about taehyung.... if taehyung finds out then he will so sad.

"The thing is your mom told me if I go abroad there will be no one to look after you.... that is also not a lie.... moreover I also don't want to do the medicine now.... but the thing is my mom is forcing me to" again tears came to her eyes. How can she say her mother want her to get a divorce from taehyung.

"Jisoo your mom is also saying a truth.... you should not give up on your dream just to take care of me.... you should make your childhood dream to come true.... don't change your mind.... okay" taehyung said. Tonight jisoo's tears made him feel so sad. He wanted to put jisoo inside his arms as he wipe her tears away. But he couldn't.

"I will tell mom that I can live alone.... like I did before also" taehyung said with a sad smile.

"No.... don't tell her.... then it will not good.... I will understand that you knew this from me" jisoo said in a pleading voice.

"Okay fine I will not.... but remember mom will do anything I says" taehyung said.

1006 words.

Should I stop writing this and start writing a new one??

To be continue

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