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Now taehyung is so sure that jisoo loves him. Otherwise why would she cry that much for him when she don't loves him. More over jisoo is spending all her times with taehyung. Now it feels like jisoo don't want to do medicine. Taehyung is sad caz when jisoo do all this to him he can't do anything to her.

"Are you a sleep" jisoo said as she caressed his hair when taehyung was in deep thoughts. Jisoo's soft hair touch his face making him inhale the lemon scent that came from her hair which made his brain so fresh.

"No.... I was waiting for you" taehyung said as he hold jisoo's hand.

"Oppa and Unnie came back.... mom said they will stay in this house.... I am so happy" jisoo said as she lay down near taehyung as she make the light really dull. Jisoo don't switch on the led lights caz taehyung will feel difficulties. She always keep the room in orange light.

"Jin right" there was no happiness in taehyung's face. Taehyung really don't like jin.

"You are in so deep thoughts" jisoo said as taehyung didn't said anything.

"My heart is saying that one day will lose you.... I was not that when jennie leave.... caz I never got love from her.... but you are so different.... I am scared you will leave too" taehyung said as he tighten his grip on her hands.

"I don't think you are trusting me even one bit" tears came to her eyes.

"No it's not like that.... I don't think anyone can get a truthful girl like you.... but don't you feel difficult to live with me.... I have to stay like this inside this room.... wanting another person help.... I am not able to help anyone" taehyung said and jisoo put her finger on her lips signalling not to any other word.

At that time electricity was gone from the whole house. The whole room was put black. Jisoo got scared and hold onto taehyung tightly. Jisoo don't want to say to taehyung that electricity was gone. What would taehyung think. He is also living in black. The tear that left jisoo's eyes hit taehyung's hand.

"Jisoo.... are you crying" taehyung hand find it's way to jisoo's eyes as he wipe off her tears.

"Sorry jisoo.... I didn't mean it.... I will not leave you.... I can't live with you" taehyung said as he started to kiss jisoo. Jisoo was feeling calm by taehyung's kisses as they both slowly fell a sleep.

The next day. Taehyung came to the garden caz jisoo didn't stop saying that. Jisoo guided taehyung and made him sit on the bench.

"It's a beautiful day" jisoo said smiling.

"The Rose's that I plant is growing so beautifully" jisoo said as she sat next to him. Jisoo wanted make some fun and take off the sunglass. But she couldn't.

At that time jin came there eating am icecream. "Wow.... such a beautiful couple.... congratulations jichu.... hi tae.... how are you" jin ask.

"Fine" taehyung did not want to talk to jin. First jin came to his life as eunwoo's friend and now he is in his life as brother in law. There is no way he can get rid of jin. The small smile on taehyung's lips disappears.

"Oh my God.... jichu.... don't you feel difficulties because of that big beard" jin said.

"JINNNNNNN" jisoo's face turned red.

"Haha.... why are you feeling shy.... to tell the truth if a I dud that irene will kill me" taehyung started to laugh loudly.

"Tae.... are you angry" Jim said and stand infront of taehyung.

"No.... why would I be angry.... I am so happy to meet you" taehyung said as he forced a smile on his face.

At the next second jin took off the glass on taehyung's eyes.

"This is such a beautiful sunglass.... I also wanna try" jin said laughing.

Both jisoo and taehyung was also caught off guard. Taehyung quickly look at the ground. Jisoo got an opportunity to see taehyung's eyes. Oh my God. What a beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes. Jisoo was looking at taehyung with full of love in her eyes.

"Jin.... give me back my sunglass" taehyung said loudly. If felt like he was angry. But taehyung didn't tried to look to the direction jin is standing. It was like he was trying to hide his eyes from the world.

"You are more handsome without the sunglass.... right jichu" suddenly taehyung jump from the bench and hold jin's hand.

"After today.... don't ever touch me again" taehyung warns.

Jin don't want to make fun with a blind person. He can't think about why taehyung got that angry. Jin quickly gave taehyung's sunglass. Jin was so angry when he was taehyung eyes that near but still taehyung didn't knew how to lock eyes with him.

"Please forgive me" jin said and left. This is the first time jin have ask for a forgiveness.

"I am sorry my brother is always like that" jisoo said and hold taehyung's hand. She was shock as much as she knew about taehyung, taehyung is reminding her of the stranger that she fell in love with.

"I am so bored.... you don't do a funny thing like you brother.... you have never ask me to show you my eyes" taehyung said and place a kiss on jisoo's lips. It was seen by eunwoo who was standing lite far from them. Eunwoo's heart break into small pieces.  How they have started to do those kind of things in public. That is what is gonna happen since that man can't see people are looking at them.

"Even though I wanted to see.... how can I ask you when you hide your eyes all the time" jisoo took off taehyung's sunglass when she got the permission. Jisoo's heart almost stop beating. His eyes was so beautiful.

"Your eyes is so beautiful.... it kind of look like jin's eyes" jisoo said and kiss taehyung's cheeks then his lips before she put on the glass back on taehyung's eyes.

1019 words

I might update in few hours.

To be continue

Hope you all will like this part

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