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"I know.... really jisoo your eyes are so red.... these kind of things will happen in life.... now go and feed taehyung's with some pizza.... your mother made it just for taehyung" yoona kissed jisoo's forehead as she look at her in a lovable way.

"Don't say anything to eunwoo yoona.... if he know I told you this I might can't live in this house" dara said.

"Trust me.... I will not say anything to eunwoo.... moreover this is a family matter.... I don't want any one to know about this'' yoona said.

"What to do.... he is still young" dara was so happy. She didn't want leave jisoo alone with taehyung. She wanted to stay there and serve her son in law in her own hands. Dara stayed there till taehyung fall a sleep. Taehyung could not help but laughs at dara's funny story.





As yoona was laying on the bed under the blanket dara was sitting near her. There were talking like long term friends.

"Yoona can I tell you something.... I know jinseo.... long before.... at that time I was living in busan" dara said.

"Really.... why did mom want Busan" yoona said.

"Yes.... when she went there.... she had a son who is almost 3 days.... she gave that son to my mom and tell something secret.... she even gave ten thousand dollars" dara said.

"Where is that child" yoona's heart was beating fast. She was getting scared.

"It is almost twenty four years ago.... in December 7"

There was goosebumps all over yoona's body. She throw away the blanket as she sit near dara. Dara find this funny. So she thinking is right. There is some connection to yoona with that child.

"Now he is all grown up.... I took care of him.... like my own son.... but when she turned into a complete man he left me.... you will also know him.... jin" dara said.

Yoona open her mouth and she didn't knew how to close it. There was a big stom in her head. She didn't knew if she have to cry or if she have to laugh.

"I gave birth to a son on December 5.... it was a painful one.... I was in unconscious state for 3 days.... my mom and the others told me the child was dead.... know I knew.... jinseo did it caz he was not a sone of eunwoo's father" tears were falling from yoona's eyes.

"What you mean" dara ask.

"When I gave birth to eunwoo minho (eunwoo's dad) divorced me so again got married to taemin (taehyung's dad).... at that time I didn't know that was minho's plan.... he actually wanted taemin's money.... I kept on living with taemin and he suddenly disappeared.... I think minho is the one behind it.... taemin is a really good man" at that time so taehyung and jin are brothers from same mother and father.

Dara coverd her mouth caz of the shock. Her heart was jumping around caz she was so happy. Her both daughters got married into a rich family.

Dara and yoona stayed awake till late talking about jin. Yoona ask everything about jin. Her son have been twenty four year grown up before she could see her.





The next day. Dara was laying on living room couch as she was watching a funny TV show. She kept on eating chips as she laugh. She stops laughing when someone came and stand infront of the door.

"Mom I can't believe.... did you think you can jisoo can hide forever.... mom you forget about us right when jisoo married to a rich man"  jin.said in a funny tone.

"Mom you are being so comfortable.... laying on a soft couch while watching TV'' irene also came in with jin.

"You both left us on road and stay in another country.... jisoo cried a lot and I forced the poor girl to marry taehyung.... but thank God now she idms fine" dara said.

"We will also live where you are living.... this house is so big.... there will be many rooms.... what is there to eat.... I am so hungry" jin said.

"Jin please..... atleast behave when you are living here.... come and eat" dara said.

"Now I knew why you are this fat mom" Jim said and laughs when he saw the food.

"Mom.... where is jisoo" irene ask. "She is with taehyung in the room'' dara said.

"My bestie eunwoo also live here.... where is he" jin said as he started eating.

When yoona came inside the dinning room jin was eating. "Hi aunty" jin said smiling.

Yoona freeze on her spot. She stand there looking at jin. There was so many emotions going though her body at that time. He wanted hug jin and give him all the love.

"You both are childrens of dara right.... welcome.... dara really was worried about you both" yoona said.

Jin didn't like yoona's this side even one bit. He finds it funny when people get annoyed by him.

"That's not what happen aunty.... mom hide from us and even change her number" jin said.

"Haha.... you both eat well.... you can stay at any room you wants.... now this is both of your house too" yoona said looking to jin in a lovable way.

"Wow.... aunty.... you are so good.... I thought you would never forgive me.... and i never thought rich people will treat poor people this way" jin said and laugh.

"Why shouldn't i forgive you.... you didn't do a bad thing.... for me taehyung, eunwoo and jin are all same" yoona said with a meaningful smile.

"That is not what jin.... they ate good to us because of jisoo" irene said and laughs. Yoona look at irene. Both look really like each other. So beautiful. But there behaviour is completely opposite from each other.

"Aunty come and join us.... it will be more fun to eat together" jin said. "I will eat with you" yoona said and eat as she started eating not leaving her gaze from jin even for a second.

1016 words.

I will tried to update in few hours.

To be continue

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