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Eunwoo is staying near jin. When jennie didn't want to come he was also off the mood. Jin was the who put him in the care while he was sleeping. After coming here eunwoo can't help but look at dahyun. She was looking so beautiful wearing that big hat. Eunwoo keep wanting to talk to tzuyu when he saw the way tzuyu was talking to his mother smiling.

"That are you thinking" jin pull eunwoo holding his leg when jin saw eunwoo was looking at all of them like a life guard.

"Don't put me on the water....I beg you.... I don't know how to swim" for the first time in life eunwoo said on his own that he don't know how to swim.

"Are you even a man.... this is the reason you can't win over girls.... you have to swim.... you have go to gym.... you have to play.... then only the muscles will get stronger.... come I will teach you how to swim" jin said as he hold eunwoo's hand walk towards the sea.

"You are right.... I am actually a stupid.... once taehyung risk his life to save me.... but look at me.... I am so bad.... moreover I even went crazy over his wife" eunwoo said.

"That is how life is.... get over it.... taehyung will forgive you since he is your brother.... why didn't jennie came" jin ask.

"Don't know.... she has thousands of boy friends.... last time when I went to her house I caught her red handed with another men.... she actually is a devil" eunwoo secretly look at tzuyu. Those kinds of girls who are good. The girls who are obedient and have a good behaviour.

"Now you are thinking in the right way.... jennie belongs to every men Korea.... that is why we have to look at the behaviour of the girl when we get married.... who is leave a good person like taehyung.... wait jennie will cry later.... can I tell you something.... divorce jennie before things goes out of hands" jin said in a serious tone.

"How can I trust a girl.... now a day there are no good girls" eunwoo thinks and remember that what he did in past was all bad. Now he is sad that he rejected to marry dahyun. Now dahyun is engaged to one lucky man. Eunwoo look at to see dahyun feeding a strawberry to jimin.

"That is not the way you have to think.... you have find a girl who is special to you.... that's it.... there will be loyal girl to every one.... it will not be difficult.... look" Jim said and point to tzuyu who is now talking to dahyun and jimin.

"How did you know" eunwoo ask.

"Hehe.... I have experience with girls.... look how cute she looks.... she is more prettier than jennie even with out make up.... I we can understand she is humble even after looking at her.... you came here not to sit like this.... we can here to enjoy.... go and talk to tzuyu" jin said as he hit eunwoo's back.

At that time eunwoo promise to himself that he will have tzuyu no matter what. Now he hates jennie. He hate the way jennie played with his life. He don't want to looking jisoo in any other expect as his sister in law. But tzuyu is different. She is now the beat of his heart. The partner of his life.





At afternoon. As taehyung was keeping yeonjun in his lap jisoo came to them.

"Yeonjuneee.... are you feeling cold.... mom told to bring him to feed him.... we also have to eat.... come on mommy's cute boy" jisoo said as she took yeonjun as she place a kiss on his chubby cheeks.

"Come back quickly soo.... I am starting to miss you" taehyung said as he hold on jisoo's soft hands. "Coming.... give me two minutes" jisoo said as she messed up taehyung's hair and yeonjun started laughing at this.

Like after five minutes jisoo came with food. As she sit on the beach near taehyung and start to eat so did taehyung. At that time both of them forgot about the world. Both of them are list in each other's eyes. They look other side when they heard jennie laughing. At that time she was holding yeonjun m

"You don't have to bring my son with you.... even though anything happens to him this blind man can't save him.... huh look at them sitting there like two love birds"  jennie was glaring at them. If felt like fire is coming out of her eyes. In her eyes it can be seen pure hate.

"Are you jealous.... no force in the world can separate us.... more than that me an jisoo love each other" taehyung put jisoo's head on his chest as he hold on her hands.

"Haha.... but I don't think you both can have a child that easily.... I will not let yeonjun to come to you after today" jennie put sand on taehyung and jisoo's plate.

"Eat the sands"

Jisoo was feeling scared. For sure this woman is mad. Jisoo sit there with out moving as she hold on taehyung's hand tightly.

"She is mad.... don't be scared love.... trust me" taehyung said as he hug jisoo which made jisoo to feel safe.

"Haha.... are you going to take care of her.... there is a fly in your beard.... when you are going to take care of her you are an disable man.... you can't even save jisoo from a fly" jennie said and laugh.

"Hahah.... so funny.... you know what I am scared you will be after me when I get rid of this beard.... my wife loves me a lot even when I am looking like this.... so I don't have to worry.... so stop with the non sense.... my eyes is blind not to look at women like you" taehyung said.

"Huh.... let's go yeonjun.... your brothers are waiting for you in the car.... these are your enemies.... that is you bad step mother.... she may even give you poison" jennie said as she went from there.

1032 words.

3rd update of the day. One more update will be here in maybe four hours.

To be continue

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