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"You are so stupid love.... why should I get angry with a small thing like that.... for what are you saying sorry....it's okay.... I know you hid a photo.... he might be your past lover.... I was sad.... because I love you this much.... and take care of you this much.... but still you can't forget that person" taehyung said slowly.

"How can I learn about a girl.... what to say.... you are mine.... but now I feel like.... your heart is gifted to someone else too.... not to only me.... no one can forget about their first love.... jisoo who is your first love" taehyung thought if he ask jisoo this directly jisoo would answer him.

Jisoo was silent. The problem is she love and still can't forget that person is non other than taehyung's brother who has passed away. She can't give the answer to if she is not so sure of that person being taehyung's brother. First she have to find out what is the relationship between taehyung and the stranger.

"Forget about what I say" taehyung concluded that jisoo's this silence as an answer. There is nothing he can do. The girl he lives the most his near him inside his arms but is too far away from to share everything.

"Tomorrow I am going to start going to hospital.... mom ask me to start to go to hospital again.... how I stay at home doing nothing after being a doctor" taehyung change the topic.

"I really want to be a doctor since I was I kid.... but after coming to to this house i changed my mind.... now i want to stay at home" jisoo said as taehyung placed a kiss on her hair.

"It's okay.... girls no need to study much.... girls have to stay at home to take care of the kids" taehyung said as he smiled.





Next day. Taehyung got ready to go to the hospital. He was wearing office clothes. Taehyung look so handsome and extra smart in that.

Even taehyung was shocked see himself in the mirror. He look so different when he got rid of his beard after a long time. He looks like the taehyung from three years ago. The taehyung who steal the hearts of so many girl like jennie.  Taehyung comb his hair and look at another side when he heard the door opening.

"Good morning" taehyung smiles and said. At that time the plate in jisoo's hand fell down. She didn't come here to look at this kind of scene. The stranger who look away her sleep at one time is right infront of her. Jisoo was in a big shock that she step on the plate piece.

"What happen love" taehyung ask.

"Nothing" jisoo's face turns red caz she was feeling so embarrassed. What would taehyung thinks.

"Oh your feet got a cut.... so sad" taehyung lost his smile and quickly came to help jisoo. Taehyung took jisoo was a light leaf as he put her on the couch.

"Is it a deep cut" jisoo as she was the blood coming from her feet.

"No.... not that deep.... if it is not deep also blood might come" taehyung said as he bring the first aid box.

"Don't cry about this kind if small thing darling.... now my duty is cancelled today.... today my very first patient is my lovely wife.... when my wife is not feeling well then I have to stay home" taehyung said and bandaged jisoo's feet.

"All done.... now tell me.... something have happened.... if you didn't say what it is then I will not let you go out of this room.... I don't care if it take so long.... I know it is something related to your past.... just now whom did you remember" now taehyung is so sure about it. But he wants jisoo to say it. At last jisoo got up and took the photo from inside of the book.

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