Chapter 2

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It's time.

I don't have a choice anymore. I have to move out of my little secure zone. I don't have anything left to eat.
I'm starving.

And it smells like shit.

I don't want to go. Hell I think I would  rather kill than leaving my shithole for fuck's sake. I'm fucking terrified! I know what lurks in the dark. And I know there is no easy way out of that god damn complex. It's the biggest underground facilities ever made! It's even larger than cities!

I've lost my way a long time ago and all those forsaken corridors look the same. It's a fucking labyrinth to navigate in.


Fuck it. As if that thin sheet of metal that is separating me from the rest of the world was of any protection! I'm playing tricks on myself. I was never safe to  begin with.


Just lucky.

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