Chapter 24

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We've gathered all the resources and left. The guy had let me get back my gun and a new flashlight, but he kept all the extra munitions and goodies. My leg seems ok now, well, ok is a big word, I can walk. My back and arms are of bigger concerns with that potentially broken rib of mine. I'm accustomed to pain by now.

I could just jump the bastard, kill him and take his shits, but I don't fucking know the way around. I'm pretty sure he bluffed. He could not have destroyed the map. It is too valuable.

Why on Earth would he be going to the nest anyway?

In the back of my mind I think I know why.

I was there when everything went to shit.

And I was sent myself to the nest with my squad. It was a time I barely even recall. It seems to be so long ago.
We failed.

We didn't made it and we were five, as geared up as we could have been and in perfect shape. I was the only one who survived and it was because of my cowardice. I left my squad to die and ran away.

And I made it this far with barely nothing. There is no way two wounded guy will even get remotely close to  the nest alive. That's where all the monstrosities come from.
The guy makes me walk first. He doesn't trust me.

With reason.

I still consider getting rid of him. I'm not gonna be his meat bait.

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