Chapter 6

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At least I can see where to cross thanks to the red security light. I keep trying to spot the abomination down below, but it is just too dark to see.
Everything is fine.

I go one step.

Nothing happen.

I can do it.

I go one step further. Then I feel little concrete dust falling. I stop every god damn movement.

I still hear the distant breathing. Its pace remain unchanged. I crouch and grab an iron beam and what's left of my courage. I'm so fucking afraid that the concrete crumbles and tumbles down. I know it's gonna happen. The bridge is in such a bad state. There is no way I'm gonna cross it without a minimum of sound.

But I'm halfway there.

I can’t go back.

I lift one foot. Some dust again.

Nothing changes.

The ground seems unstable. I put my foot down. A little piece of concrete fell off the edge. I freeze again.
I don't hear the breathing anymore.

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