Chapter 11

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The two first are filled with nothing but dust. The third is locked and the only thing I have that could be useful in that situation is my shotgun.

So a big nope on that one.

The fourth is open and there is some papers; photos and notes. I find an unidentified piece of I don't know what in a plastic bag. It is mushy and has lost all coloration. Not sure I'll survive eating whatever that is.

And that's all.

There is no fucking food! I'll have to move again.

The strong chemical scent is giving me a headache already. This could not be healthy.

If I go, the monsters are gonna hunt me down. If I stay, I’m gonna die of starvation or I'll pass out for good and never wake up.

It could be worse. Maybe I should immerse myself in the tanks. Perhaps it would be quicker. It would probably be more painful though.
I'm afraid. I don't know what to do. I don't want to make a choice. My crippling indecision is killing me.

I don't wanna fucking die!

And then I realize I was so focused on my miserable self I forgot to pay attention to my surroundings.

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