Chapter 69

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It is some sort of forklift made to move big spaceship parts.

We have not been smashed yet and the big monster seemed to have calm down a bit. The adrenaline rush is gone and with it came back all the pain.

We have now used all our bandages and disinfectant. Well, let's just say there ain't a lot of medical supplies left. Jacob has lost quite a big amount of blood, but he seems relatively ok. I mean, his face and shoulders are a bit messed up, but I've been through worst.

We don't know if it's safe to get on the move. The big creature is still there.
But we don't really have a choice. We have to make the battery explode.
And we might have what we need here to crush it hard enough to cause the detonation without sacrificing one of us.

- We nee…d head…lights. To g…et t… att…en…tion.

- So the big monster can crush the battery. I get it. You can't get out in your state. We already have the necessary material except the light to get its attention.

He takes a long breath. Someone has to do it and it's not gonna be me.

- I'll go out and prepare the trap. Let's just hope I have enough time to run out of danger.

He gets out. Looks like all the regular size and little abominations fled this place when the big one landed.

He first have to get the headlight of the forklift, then to go near the monster.

It's risky, but everything is at this point. I am so exhausted. Breathing hurts. Thinking hurts. My body is aching.

I just want to be done with all this shit.

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