Chapter 23

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I probably need stitches. My arms are not looking so great and the dry blood of my back is caught up in my shirt.

- You'll come with me to the nest.

I laugh and spit on the ground. I'm not afraid of him and for nothing on Earth will I go down that hellhole.

- If you try to run or play tricks on me I'll fucking kill you.

- Don… t beliv… u… go…t… ball…s.

He smacks my face with the gun. I feel my nose bleeding again. It's probably broken now. Haven’t made me stop laughing.

- I coul… v.. kill… y…ou.

- No. Because I'm your only hope of ever getting out. They've blocked all the ways except for one to prevent the monsters from spreading to the surface and it's heavily guarded. They have order to shoot at sight and you don't even look human anymore. You'll need me alive. And I'm going down.

- Th… en… u……y dea…d.

- So are you. I've destroyed the map you'll never make it.

That son of a bitch is getting on my nerve.

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