Chapter 4

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I'm so tense and I progress so slowly. There is two security lights ahead, after that, nothing I can see.

I fucking hate this.

At least I don't hear the dripping noise of water anymore. It was driving me mad.

I don't know how far I went, but I got no luck. I haven't found a single room, deposit or living quarters.

I'm so fucking stressed. I feel my inside twisting itself into a curl. I have to keep going.

Just keep a clear head and put one feet ahead of the other.

Just fucking walk and breathe once in a while.


There is still no sound around. Just my oddly calm heartbeat. It's weird how your body adjust to a constant level of stress. The threat could be everywhere; in a corner out of my sight, right ahead of me.

At any moment things could go south.

Ah shit. Well, that's it.

I've passed the two security lights. From now on, I'll go blind. It's nightmare time.

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