Chapter 38

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My knife hardly cut through their tick skin. I stab what looks like their faces or more sensitive areas. I stab and am being stabbed in return. I can barely make out my surroundings as the abominations pile onto me.

Going crazy for blood and meat.

I hear another other yelling.

I hear gun fire.

I feel something pulling me backward.

Blood splashing on me.
The horde is moving as a wave bouncing back and forth in my direction. 

Up the stairs I go without really moving my legs. The door is shut behind me.

- Hold the door and cover me!

I drop to the floor, the door violently banging against my body. The guy put his gun in my hand. He is now moving some furniture against the other doors as shrieks from down there are approaching as well.

These doors almost burst open when the abominations crash in it.

The guy desperately trying to hold on.

My own body being thrown off as the creatures are pushing their way in.

- I said hold the fucking door!

One slips its arm in. I stab it. Then I put the canon of the gun in the opening and just shoot whatever's pushing on the other side. I bought some time.

I hear them in the ventilation system.

We aren't done yet.

The next day حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن