Chapter 59

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Jacob taped the last flashlight to his shoulder so he could crawl with the stun baton in hands and easily reach for his gun without losing the visual.

Crawling is the worst.

My arms and legs are burning and the slightest pressure on my chest bring me so much pain I feel like I'll puke.
Then the rope pulls me a bit forward. I'm slower than Jacob.

- Need a minute?

I want to answer something, but I end up coughing. I cover my mouth with my hand, trying to muffle the sound.
I almost choke. I struggle to find my breath. I spit some blood and try to look convincing.

- I'm fi…ne.

Yeah I don't think he really believed me. We continue, but he slowed the pace.

The vent seems to go on forever. We take several turns. Everything is silent. Who knows, we might make it to the exterior ring!

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