Chapter 32

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It's covered in wet  sticky liquid. The landing was smooth. We almost bounce off the rocks.

I hate it. It feels too much organic for my comfort.

- Holy shit!

I take out my flashlight as the other one seems to now be broken. All I see is my companion pointing the top of the elevator shaft with nothing but fear in his eyes.

There is an abomination dangling up there. I've never seen one that big. It looks like its lower body has been fuse with goop to the metal structure of the elevator. It has long fleshy arms and an head without any eyes, but with many weird holes instead that looks like olfactory pits. Around its neck, where the dark horns would have been, there is now long cord like organs dripping with abundant mucus.

It stinks so bad, like rotten meat. The stench is almost unbearable.

The creature carefully and silently extend it’s long stretchy arms. My nervous comrade immediately reach for his gun. I do the same.

We fire.


In just pure panic.

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