Chapter 54

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They had lost control of the situation. Without the supply in exdiabus, the blackout was inevitable. The big reactor maintaining the rift was still in function under Exia, but it was now barely enough to keep the interdimensional door stable.

It took several days of unanswered questions before we actually made a move. Several teams were sent down in the hearth of Exia to investigate what went wrong and how to fix it, but none came back.

Things had changed a lot. The abominations had taken over all the inner ring and had establish what we would call now a “nest” around the area of the rift.

We had underestimate those creatures. They were resistant and evolving quite fast. Something in our atmosphere caused their surface skin to rot and burn a bit.  We needed special bullets to actually kill them. The ones that weren't completely changed yet were the more dangerous and unpredictable because they were still a bit human under the horrible mutations.

We didn't really knew how their number grew that much, but we could not let them out of Exia.

Since I was already stuck in the artificial mountain with my squad, we received new orders. We were suppose to close the rift.

For good.

But we never even made it to the outer ring.

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