Chapter 66

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I'm almost there. I remember how we used to hijack the abandoned cars so we could drive them off the main roads when I was patrolling at the surface to the lost cities.

It should be pretty much the same. Everything was now powered by those exdiabus batteries.

I cough uncontrollably blood at this point, not bothering to wipe it out. I think I have a glass shard in my left elbow.


I pop the bad boy right in and the crane then immediately start emitting a smooth rumble.

- Fucking now! Now!

I grab a random lever and pull it as hard as I can. The whole thing then starts  to rotate. I feel the rope finally giving up. I don't know if that was Jacob, the monsters or the crane's doing.

I can now stand and try some other lever. The top of the crane crashes into the big abomination on the roof.

Well shit!

It seems to really had piss it off.

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