Chapter 35

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The guy is giving me a hand, helping me back on my feet, the cacophony we made still echoes up what remain of the elevator. It is immediately followed by the call of other abominations.

There is no time to waste. We gotta run.

I take the lead despite my injured legs. I'm the only one left with a flashlight after all. He follow right back. I have very little time to look at the details of the place.

One abomination  appear at a corner. The guy shoot its ugly head. Others are coming, many more. Too much for us to handle. Except if the other guy have more of those grenades, but I wouldn’t count on that. We're already lucky it did not detonate when we fucking fell in the elevator shaft.

We enter a bigger room, there is some faint lights still on. There is a lot of separate work stations like an office would have. Surrounding this place is some sort of elevated control room accessible by a pair of stairs.

That's the best we got right now. We'll have to barricade ourselves and hope we can make it until everything calms down.

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