Chapter 64

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We are sliding quite fast now. Looks like we are gonna ram the cabin of the crane full speed. I aim for a window and hope Jacob does the same.

Otherwise, there is plenty of monstrosities ready to grab us off the crane.

I smash it. At first I wasn't sure I'll have enough velocity to go through. My legs hurt like hell. There is broken glass everywhere. Jacob did make it through the adjacent window fortunately.

I don't have the time to say anything that I am being pulled back. Something got a hold of the rope outside.

- Ja…cob!

I grab a lever somewhere near me. It seems stuck. I see Jacob being pulled too, but with only one hand free, the other one preventing him from bleeding out, he seems to struggle to get a hold of anything else.

I can  see the nasty glowing eyes and the sharp teeth through the broken glass.

We have to cut the rope! I think Jacob lost his stun baton. He grab his gun and shoots.

Nothing could ever go has planned!

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