Chapter 17

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I crawl. I was right, I can't fucking walk. There is so much blood and the grenade did so much sound. They're gonna catch up on me.

I don't fucking know where I'm going. I try to step up. Tumble down. I try again by resting against a wall I found. I can barely stand. I limp in the dark, shotgun at my side, getting as far away as I physically can.

I hear the creatures. At least there is enough meat to keep them busy for a while, but I reek of blood. Something is coming my way.

I turn left, but it definitively knows I'm here. It's sniffing around. I hear its claws scraping the floor behind me.
It shrieks and jumps in my direction. I turn back and try to aim in the complete darkness. But then I hear a muffled sound and a small gurgle. The abomination slump to the floor.
What happened? Then a light is shunned in my direction from the way I was initially going. It’s so fucking bright. I just can't stand it.

There is a mumble.

The light is redirected to the ground in front of me and I can finally see correctly.

It’s people!

Actual people!

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