Chapter 47

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He wanna team up? I'll fucking team up. Once I can reach my fucking boots without passing out because of the pain. It's like a bad joke that keeps repeating itself. Anyway, we're not ready to leave yet.

We made some sort of stun batons with the normal batteries Jacob had found, the tape and our knives. At least we are not gonna go too much melee with those, keeping the abominations at a safe distance.

Jacob have been going out on multiple excursions now. He can never be gone long before the creatures pick up the sent again. At least all the carnage we made had cover us until then, but we don't know how much time the ruse will hold up.

We also made ourselves some sort of armor by taping different materials against our shirts, legs and arms; wooden planks, magazines, anything really…

We fucking look like survivors from a zombie apocalypse. Well, replace the zombies by the abominations and it is practically the same.

I'm still taking antibiotics. There are only five doses left. Wonder how fast I'll go down after I've used it all. Jacob also gave me some painkillers. 

The fucker had a bunch in his bag the entire time, but kept them for himself.

So yeah.

I'm a bit more functional for now.
It's weird.

Like an illusion that I'm better. That I can still make it.

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