Chapter 21

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The floor is wet and sticky. The crates are all over the place. There are some pieces of tainted fabrics dangling from the ceiling where there is now a hole amongst torn electrical parts and wires.

I didn't even noticed this place was probably a computer room before until now.

It stinks. There is equipment all over the floor, but very little human rests. Beside the obvious stains on the walls and the ground, there is nothing left of the three people that were once here. There is something else mixed to the blood that makes it so sticky. Some tick translucent layer of secretion that smells horrible.

I try not to think too much about it. There is worse down here than the normal abominations I've encounter so far.

I spot a backpack a little bit further. Finally! Thanks God!.

There is some sort of salty jerky in it. It's the best fucking jerky I ever had. I also found a bottle of water. I have to be cautious not to empty it.

It was about time! There is some munitions in there too!

I look around for another thing to loot. Against the other wall there is another backpack in a rough shape.
I open it. Jackpot! There is medicine in that one! I shine the flashlight at the vials. Their must be some antibiotics somewhere in it.

I then hear the click of a gun. I feel the cold metal against my head. I freeze. The third guy was still alive after all.

The next day Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin