Chapter 49

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Building a spaceship without the restriction of having to leave our atmosphere to go anywhere made the process easier.

Yes, our civilization was dying, but we still had technology.  Nevertheless,  the task proved itself to be more complicated than what was anticipated.

There was a lot of failed attempts to reach Exdiabus. That place was quite hostile. I've only seen the planetoid once through the rift.

I was a soldier.  My job was to protect the place, nothing more. I was never really deployed in the inner ring except one time. The place is huge after all. I could always remember what I saw that day.

The rift itself was like a big flat ring with a humble five kilometers of radius. We could see through it like if it was a window to another world. Hidden under it was the biggest underground nuclear reactor ever made. The place was very cold.  Icicles were growing and melting all over the rift. They didn't really had a choice. You can't risk overheating the place.

It was a purplish sphere from which large flare like waves were sweeping the near space. I was told those ray were very deadly. The whole rift installation risked collapsing on itself for quite a while. Earthquakes were now a common thing in the area because of it, but they found a way to secure the installation and, more importantly, the reactor.

It took several years of study before any advancement was made.

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