Chapter 12

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I hear a groan that quickly changes into a loud and deformed shriek. I only have the time to turn back, shotgun still in hands before it is on me.

I don’t have time to think. Its misshape head is inches away from mine. Filament of liquorish drooling dropping on my face and rows of dark teeth ready to peel my skin off. I feel its sharp claws cutting through the flesh of my arms. I scream too.

I fire one shot in its lower body. It's all I could reach at the moment. There is a big splash of blood.  At that range, the blast is deafening. The creature bounces back in pain with a furious roar.

I raise my weapon at the fucker. It had one chance to finish me up. I won't give more. It jumps back at me, but I'm ready. All my military training kicks in.

I fire a second time.

Parts of its skull explode in a joyful burst of blood and rotten meat. The creature tumbles to the ground.

I inhale deeply.

It feels so fucking good to not be the prey anymore.

Only three shotgun ammo left. I've got big lacerations along my arms, but I don’t feel the pain. The adrenaline is flooding my brain. I feel euphoric.

I feel alive!

Something I haven't experienced in a while.

The monster is dead. Its skin is covered in blisters and pustules. It has some sort of aborted third appendage down its left side. Many abominations show signs of deformation. There are some dark crystal-like horns around its neck. All the way down its spine too. Another typical feature of those nightmarish predators.

For a short time, there is silence. And then, there is no silence anymore.

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