Chapter 33

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We fire and it immediately rain back at us all the blood, mucus and innards the bullets go through.

So much for the bleach we used to cover our smell.

The creature is shrieking in pure agony. We hear the structure of the elevator above moan in a menacing way.

We got to get out of here.


As if things could not get fucking worse, it does. The eggs on which we are standing start to move. They jiggle like if they were about to burst.
The guy cease fire and try to find a way to climb to the nearest open door, but I just can't stop. New abominations are bursting out of the dark eggs, awakened by the smell of blood. Some are literally crushed by the ones on top.

I fire until I have emptied my charger. The babies are crawling out, grabbing my feet and devouring the flesh of their parent. One's biting at my foot. I switch for my knife and stab the little fucker.

But another one get a grip on my leg, ripping a piece of my flesh with its glass sharp teeth. There are tiny arms armed with claws everywhere, desperately reaching for a piece of me or whatever they could put in their mouth.

I'm cornered. The ground is moving under my feet, elevating. There are just too many of them.

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