SO3E52: Home Coming

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I skipped Ordinary People as I do not really like that episode and couldn't be bothered writing Roslyn into it. So sorry and hope you enjoy this new chapter.

Roslyn's POV

A lot has happened in the last ten days. Damon has been helping Elena train. While Alaric and Bonnie deciphered the pictures from the cave. Which had the names of the original family written on the walls in Viking script. Damon let Stefan out and took him to a bar. Elena talked to Rebekah, who told her how the original family became vampires.

Now Mikael is here to help us kill Klaus. Stefan said he can lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls. It's time for the home coming dance. I was roped into helping Caroline set up for the dance. Leaving killing Klaus to the Salvatores, Elena, Mikael and Rebekah. Who is now on our side, after finding out that Klaus killed their mother and not Mikael.

But right now I helping Elena pick outfit for tonight. I already have mine picked out. Bonnie is with us. She is sitting on Elena's bed with Alaric's photos of the ancient Viking drawings. While Elena and I stand in front of her closet. Rudy is on the floor sleeping.

"I hate everything in my closet. I have nothing to wear to Homecoming" Elena whines.

"So, don't go. Let's stay home order takeout and over analyze ancient hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric" Bonnie suggests.

"We have to go" Elena reminds her.

"Caroline would kill us if we don't go" I add.

"Caroline actually has a date" Bonnie states.

"You know that you can talk to us about Jeremy, right?" Elena asks her. Bonnie and Jeremy are going through a rough patch. As he kissed his dead ghost girlfriend.

"I don't need to talk about it. He fell in love with his ghost girlfriend and lied about it. What's done is done" Bonnie states.

"You have to talk about it, Bonnie" I tell her as I join her on the bed. Rudy wakes up and joins us.

"She's right. He hurt you, Bonnie. I am mad at him, too" Elena tells her.

"You are mad at your little brother. You'll yell at him a little, teach him a life lesson. You can't really be mad like I am mad" Bonnie tells her.

"Bonnie..." Elena tries to say.

"And you shouldn't have to be. He's your brother. So no I can't really talk to you about it" Bonnie states. "Neither can you Rosie" she adds looking at me.

"True, but you can talk to Rudy" I tell her pointing to him. "Maybe there's something in my closet, you'll like" I tell Elena. I get up and go to my room with her. Leaving Rudy with Bonnie. We manage to find an outfit for Elena in my closet. "Time for me to meet Caroline, good luck with plan" I tell her.

"Roslyn, I know it doesn't change anything. But I'm sorry about Jenna, I never wanted her to get hurt" she tells me.

"She was turned into a vampire, then killed Elena. I finally had no secrets with her and she died. I tried to avenge her and failed. But now we can finally avenge her and kill Klaus. I'm trusting you and the Salvatores to handle the details while I'm stuck helping Caroline" I tell her.

"We won't let you down, Klaus will die" she assures me. I hug her. Before leaving, leaving Rudy with her and Bonnie.

(Mystic Falls High School)

I arrive to see Caroline and Tyler painting an old VW bus. "Hey, can you hand me the glitter gun?" Care asks Tyler. But I beat him to it and hand it to her. "Thanks, glad you finally showed up Rosie" she says with a smile.

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